His gaze lifted. “Before we seek out that jeweler in Tyler, do you think Melaina would reject the idea of taking a quick detour first? There’s a loch just outside the village. Someone I trust lives there. They should be able to tell us if the jeweler is a reliable source or not. Maybe give us a little background information to use as leverage.”

I nodded and smiled. “I’ll make sure she agrees to it.”

Shifting the amulet across my breast with the tip of his finger until the jewel purposely got caught on the tip of my nipple, he grinned.

Thank you. But until then…” His gaze lifted to mine, and his eyebrows waggled suggestively. “How much more of me do you think you can handle tonight?”

Chapter 28


I was having the perfect sleep when a boot kicked my shoulder, jarring me alert.

I bolted upright, dagger already half unsheathed, prepared to kick ass, when I realized it was my true love’s temperamental aunt blocking the morning sunlight and glaring down at me. Hands on her hips, deep blue dress billowing and fiery red hair fluttering around her face, she kicked me again, in the knee this time.

“Ouch!” I scuttled backward, out of her foot’s reach. “What the hell?”

“You know what,” she snarled. “What the hell to you, you ass! I mean, I just adore how you’ve butted your way into our scavenger hunt and taken over. I bet you’re only delaying the inevitable to keep Quilla here as long as possible because you know she’s never going to claim you as her mate and bring you along to the old world with us. But newsflash, asshole, I’m not going to let you deter us from our goals.”

With a groan, I flopped back onto my bedroll and closed my eyes. “I don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about, Melaina.”

And where was Quilla? I was supposed to wake up to her wrapped in my arms, the both of us tucked inside my bedroll together, where I could make love to her at least another dozen times before we even thought of getting up for the day.

Not getting kicked by her damn unstable relative.

Feeling out with my mark, I found her near. So I opened my eyes and peered around Melaina’s obstructive skirts to discover her at the fire, trying to coax it back to life.

Completely ignoring my abuse, she sat, outfitted in a dress as well, which told me she planned on entering Tyler today and going into public. She only wore her trousers when she didn’t plan on having many encounters with others, because women in the Outer Realms who didn’t don dresses tended to stick out, and she liked to blend in as much as possible, though I knew she preferred pants.

“Don’t even think about looking to her for help,” Melaina commanded, sidestepping to block Quilla from my view. “I don’t know what you did to influence my niece and sway her to your stupid side, but this is bullshit. I’m in charge of this expedition, you got that? Not you.”

“Whatever,” I mumbled, squinting up at her, because the sunlight was blaring down all around her, practically blinding me. “I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I told her about your suggestion to visit your informant today before we headed into Tyler,” Quilla finally spoke up from the fire. I glanced at her again, but her attention remained fixed on the flames.

“Oh.” Clearing my throat, I returned my focus to Melaina. “Well, yeah,” I said. “I just thought it might help. And the loch’s practically on the way. Probably wouldn’t even take half an hour of our time to pop by first and see what they know.”

Melaina scowled at me a moment, then rolled her eyes, mumbling, “Okay, fine,” as she turned away and began to pack her bedding.

I blinked at her. Then cried, “Really? I had to be kicked awake for that? When you were just going to agree to my idea without a single argument anyway?”

“Yes,” she called regally over her shoulder. “And thank you for providing some body parts for me to kick. I feel extremely refreshed now. Though it would’ve been even more satisfying if I’d had something more sensitive, like genitals, to pummel. So keep that in mind for next time, will you, darling?”

Like hell.

I made a mental note to sleep with chain mail covering my junk from here on out.

Of course, that wouldn’t benefit my mate much if she had need of my cock again in the middle of the night. Like she had last night.

Speaking of which…

I sat up and turned my attention her way to watch her. She looked almost hostile as she stabbed ruthlessly at angry red coals and then plunked a log on top of them, bullying a flame to life. I would’ve guessed she was mad about something. Except there was no anger coming through my mark. I sensed plenty of uncertainty, awkwardness, and embarrassment, but no actual rage.

She had no idea how to act toward me today, and it was irritating her.

When she finally glanced my way, her eyes narrowed. I grinned and waved a few fingers in greeting. Then I blew her a kiss. A flush stained her cheek and she quickly returned her attention to the fire to set up a pot full of porridge to warm.