“Okay,” he said easily, only to jar to a halt, jerking me still next to him. I looked up at the blinking expression on his face and opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, but then he pointed. “Uh, what about that?”

I turned and reared back when I saw what he was referring to. A large flat rock, perfect for someone to lie on and stretch out on top of, sat in the clearing ahead. With the way the trees and branches were arranged above, one strong beam of moonlight rained down on its surface as if specifically highlighting it in the darkness.

Or directing us to it.

“I think it’s a sign,” Indigo whispered. “The moon wants us to go there.”

I shook my head. “It looks like a sacrificial altar,” I argued. “Like the moon is demanding an offering for letting us enjoy its radiance.”

“Mmm. We should give it one.” Tightening his grip on my hand, he tugged me forward. “Because I have to see you stretched out on this rock, wearing nothing but moonlight.”

“Indy,” I argued softly, feeling suddenly uncertain.

Grinning, he turned to face me as he continued toward the rock, towing me along as he walked backward. “I like how you call me Indy.”

I think I liked everything about him. Unable to help myself, I let him draw me to the altar—er, rock. When we reached the edge of it—remaining in the shadows and just out of the spray of the moonlight—he paused to fit me against him and gently kiss my lips.

His arms wrapped around my waist while I wound mine up over his shoulders and around his neck. But eager for more, I left his lips and kissed my way along his jaw until I reached his ear. And there, I whispered, “Strip for me, High Clifter.”

He pulled his face back to send me an amused grin. “What? Right now?”

“Right now,” I cooed as I reached down to work open the ties keeping his trousers closed.

Once I had the two sides spread apart, I stepped back so I could see the whole picture better. His teeth flashed with a grin in the dark as he continued by hooking his thumbs into the waistband and pushing the pants down, kicking off his boots as he went. When he stepped out of them and was completely bare, the shadows concealed far too much.

So I ordered, “Onto the rock. I want to see everything I’m getting here.”

“Onto the rock?” he repeated, sounding amused. Then he shook his head slowly and gave a low chuckle. “As you wish, empress.”

Leaping nimbly, he hiked himself up, his bare toes padding quietly as they landed on the flat stone surface. Then he straightened to his full height, his hands down at his sides as he looked over his shoulder at me.

Much better, I decided, dropping my gaze to his bare ass. I could see everything from this vantage point.

Falling prey to temptation, I reached out and trailed the tips of my fingers over the soft globes of his buttocks. They tightened under my touch, and he sucked in a breath as I began walking a circle around the rock, and in effect, around him, letting my hand follow across his flesh, over his hi

p, and around the front to the corded ligament making up his inguinal crease. When I reached pubic hair, I slowed to a stop and focused on the thick cock jutting out from the center of the dark nest.

Wrapping my hand around the immense base, I squeezed briefly, then slid my palm up the length until I reached the tip where a drop of moisture was welling. My thumb swiped out, catching it, and Indigo reacted with a full-body shudder.

“That’s it,” he announced, taking my hand and gently coaxing me to release him before he leaped off the rock and gripped my hips. “Your turn. I want to see you in all your glory before I lose my sanity and mindlessly just start rutting.”

I rolled my eyes as he lifted me and set me on the rock. “I doubt you’d ever lose your logic to the point of mindless rutting.”

“Yeah, well…” Blowing out a heavy breath, he shook his head. “If anything could tempt me to that point, it would be this. Now you strip.”

“Bossy,” I sassed back, even though he’d merely repeated my words back to me. Feeling feisty and vibrant, I crossed my arms over my chest and reached down to grab the hem of my tunic. “I think I like you bossy,” I admitted, then I winked and lifted the shirt. “But only when you’re naked.”

“So noted,” he murmured, his voice going thick as I reached for the front ties of my corset next. “The next time I want you to listen to one of my orders, all I have to do is strip bare first. That’s easy enough to remember.”

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “Ass,” I told him.

He grinned. “But I’m your ass.”

True. He was all mine.

Watching as I loosened the strings enough to let it slip down off my frame and fall to a pool at my feet, he groaned and ran his gaze over me. “All yours,” he added softly as I pulled the chemise underneath up and over my head. Bare from the waist up, I paused for a moment to let him look his fill. And even though he stood in the shadows, making it harder for me to see his expression, I swear his eyes glowed a little at the sight of me.

“Amazing,” he murmured, walking his own slow path around me as I pulled down my trousers next. He didn’t touch me as I’d touched him, though. “My empress of moonlight,” he sighed in reverence and shook his head. “I don’t even know where to begin.”