What the hell did we say now? She just continued to stand there, quietly. So I cleared my throat.

“I guess that’s that, then.” And I turned away to get my bedroll ready, snapping it out and onto the ground next to hers.

The wound in my side kept pulling as I kneeled on the bedding and stretched to straighten my blanket, reminding me that I hadn’t tended to it yet.

Once I pushed back to my feet, I stripped off my tunic and wadded it into a ball, soaking it in water before I pressed it to the dried blood on my side. Axel’s sword had scratched a pretty long trail through my rib cage, but thankfully it wasn’t very deep.

Behind me, however, Quilla sucked in a breath as if it were the nastiest wound she’d ever seen. I looked up as she stepped toward me, her gaze stuck on my side. “You haven’t even cleaned it yet. Dammit, now it’s going to get infected.”

“I’ll be fine,” I started. “It just needs a little—”

“Shut up,” she snarled. “Just shut up.” And before I knew what she was about, she grabbed my arm roughly and jerked me toward her.

I stumbled, losing my balance, and basically fell against her mouth as she rose up on her toes to smash her lips to mine. The kiss took me by surprise so badly I didn’t even have time to enjoy it before she pulled away again a second later.

“There,” she murmured, slipping her fingers over my rib cage where my wound was now mended together and healed. “Much better.”

Shuddering under her touch, I looked down at her hand on me. “Yeah,” I rasped, growing hard all over again. “I’m good as new again. Thank you.”

Her thumb shifted and moved along my flesh, probably just making sure I was back in one piece. But it felt like the most sensuous damn touch I’d ever experienced. I almost came in my fucking p

ants. I shuddered out a breathless groan and lifted my face to hers just as she looked up too.

Our gazes met. She was going to kiss me again. I could see it in her eyes and feel it from her gut. And it wasn’t because she wanted to heal me but because she just wanted me. I leaned closer. She wetted her lips, temptation coating her features. This time would be like our true first kiss. It’d be about passion and longing and affection.

My skin buzzed with awareness. I was so damn turned on, I probably could’ve—

“Christ almighty,” Melaina exploded, appearing in the clearing and making both Quilla and me jump out of our skins. “I was gone all that time, and this is only how far you two have gotten? You’ve barely removed his shirt? Jesus. Watching you two rut is like watching grass grow.”

“We’re not going to rut, you meddlesome hag,” Quilla snarled, jerking her hand off me and taking a decided step back. “I was just healing his wound. Not that it’s any of your damn business. But that’s all that was happening.”

As she turned her back to me and climbed into her bedroll, I glanced toward Melaina, who offered me a sly grin and thumbs-up as if she thought she’d somehow just assisted me with some seduction attempt.

I rolled my eyes.

At this rate, Quilla would never be willing to have sex with me, if for no other reason than to defy her intrusive aunt.

With a deflated sigh, I crawled into my own bedroll and prepared for a long, painful night full of blue balls.

Chapter 26


I swear, it took me forever to fall asleep. The events of the day just kept running through my head. It was unsettling to learn I could be caught in a trap like the perimeter magic those men had used to target my mark.

When they had broken through the tree line earlier, I had thought that was it. Game over. But I hadn’t really had time to process everything that happened afterward because I’d gone straight into worry mode over how Indigo had to be dealing with killing his cousin.

Except now he seemed okay. I turned my head to the side and checked on him in the full moonlight. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing easily, nothing keeping him awake and stressed.

The lucky shit.

The extremely handsome and lucky shit.

Damn, he even looked good in the moonlight while he slept. Without his hands bound together, he’d curled up on his side and tucked one under his face, pillowing it. It made him look more youthful and innocent. Awake, there was always this aged kind of worldliness in his eyes as if he understood all the darkness in the world, even if he opted to focus on the light side. But here and now in his sleep, he looked damn-near pure and angelic.

A bit of remorse shifted through me. I came from the darkness, the cursed underbelly of the Outer Realms. I’d been raised by possibly the most heartless, unstable woman to roam this land, and here was this freaking beacon of hope and goodness who’d been stuck with me as his partner. It wasn’t fair. His love mark should’ve found him a woman more deserving, one just as wholesome and respectable as he was.

Reaching out before I knew quite what I was doing, I caught a piece of his hair and ran it between my fingers. It was as silky soft as it looked. So absorbed in watching my hand pet him, I didn’t realize his breathing had changed until I shifted my attention back to his face and found his eyes open.