“It’s pie,” Melaina answered with a full mouth. “One of the best things I ever ate back in the old world.” After swallowing her bite, she motioned to the pie with her fork. “They considered it comfort food there. So, thanks for moping around most of the day with whatever pathetic little mood you were in. Quilla felt the need to make something that might cheer you up.”

Forgetting her condescending tone about my mourning period, I flashed a surprised and hopeful glance toward Quilla.

But this was hard to believe. Had she really cooked something for me?

She paused from getting her plateful to send her aunt a deathly glare. “It had nothing to do with him,” she shot back irritably. “I just felt like eating pie, okay? And I found enough berries in the woods to make one, so I thought why not.”

Why not, indeed.

Except I felt her embarrassment loud and clear through the mark, making me think Melaina hadn’t been lying, and my true love had made something specifically to comfort me.

Heart beating hard over that idea, I edged closer and asked, “Can I try some?”

Quilla finally glanced up, her expression skittish and a little annoyed. “You might as well,” she finally mumbled as if she didn’t care what I did, except I felt anxious excitement from her inner feelings.

The woman wanted me to eat her pie.

“There’s more here than Melaina and I can eat by ourselves.”

“Well, I’ll happily help you clean up the leftovers,” I gallantly offered, hurrying the rest of the way over to sit by her on the log. She shifted as if rattled by my proximity, but she didn’t scoot away from me.

“So, this is pie?” I asked as I heaped my plate full. “It’s just bread with fruit inside?”

“They call it a pastry on Earth. Not quite in the bread family but a close neighbor. And the filling is sweetened quite a bit. It changes the taste of the cooked fruit more than you’d think.”

My eyebrows lifted. “Sweetened?” I liked my food sweet, so that only sounded better to me.

Glancing at her as I lifted my fork, I opened my mouth and let the metal tines glance across my tongue as I took that first bite. Our gazes caught and held as flavor hit my taste buds.

The crust was flaked and different than any kind of bread I’d ever eaten before. It was sweeter too. But mixed with the berry filling, it was—shit.

It was amazing.

Closing my eyes, I moaned and chewed. But, oh God, it was seriously delicious.

“This one is made with strawberries and blueberries,” Quilla was telling me. Concern laced her voice and echoed through my mark, letting me know just how much she wanted me to enjoy her cooking. “But you can put all kinds of things in them. Apples, cherries, pumpkin, peaches, pecans—”

“This.” I pointed to my plate as I swallowed and scooped up more. “This one’s my favorite. Right here. Oh my God, it’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”

I shoveled more into my mouth and ate without discretion. It was that good.

“Really?” Pleasure and surprise sparked through the mark, telling me Quilla approved of my response.

But next to her, her aunt frowned and rolled her eyes. “You can’t say it’s the best if you haven’t tried any other kind of pie.”

“Yes, I can,” I insisted with a full mouth, my cheek beginning to pooch with sweet and tart goodness. “Nothing could taste better than this.”

Melaina snorted. “You’ve never had my Taiki’s pussy, then.”

Choking on my bite, I cast her a scowl, because now I was thinking about pussy, and smearing Quilla’s with pie before diving in and having myself a feast.

As my trousers grew tight and uncomfortable in the lap area, a flicker of anxiety shimmered from Quilla. It came to my mark like the sudden flapping of butterfly wings. Something had just unnerved her. Glancing over, I wondered what had made her so edgy and tense.

Since I could read none of the emotion at all from the way she was rolling her eyes dryly at her aunt, it was too hard to tell what was wrong. Except I didn’t detect any fear.

Then she glanced my way, and the moment our gazes caught in the firelight, I finally felt it. A thin ribbon of lust intertwined with the apprehension.

Jesus. Was she thinking about me eating her pussy too?