"Look at what he tried to do to you," he hissed in her ear. "Look how bad he wanted to hurt you tonight. This is serious, DeVane. Someone tried to kill you."

~ * ~

A ripple of fear went through her and she whimpered as she tried to turn away so she couldn't see the door.

Raith tightened his grip. "If he's that crazy and determined to get to you, then it doesn't matter where you go. He'll follow. Now, tell me honestly. Do you want to lead this sicko right to your parents?"

Willow froze and lifted her face. "No," she whispered. She didn't want this man anywhere near her family.

He pulled her close. "Then come with me." His voice was soft and his warmth comforting. He kissed her hair, and she closed her eyes, wanting him to pick her up and carry her to some place far, far away.

"But if he's so determined," she added, pulling away when reality intruded, "he'll just follow me to your place."

Raith's answer was a hard smile. "Oh, I hope he does."

Willow had to shiver again. But this time it was a quiver of awareness. There was something incredibly sexy about

a man turning savage in order to protect his woman. His concern for her felt nice, too. She liked thinking he might actually care. And then, to cinch it, he reached out and touched her face softly.

"No one's going to get past me, DeVane. I won't let anything happen to you."

No way could Willow deny him after that. Convincing her parent it was the best idea, though, was another ordeal entirely.

But Raith stood rooted by her side as she told her parents she was going home with him.

"No, you're not," her father answered. The look he sent the man next to her dared him to disagree.

But intimidation didn't faze Raith. He merely said, "Yes, she is."

The judge lifted his brows as if he couldn't believe some young, punk cop dared to differ with him. Knowing her father could have Raith fired in a heartbeat or at least seriously hamper his career, Willow took a very small, protective step in front of him as if she could somehow shield him. It was such an insignificant move, she didn't even think anyone would notice it. But Walter DeVane blinked in utter shock and opened his mouth.

She must've given him a look that said she wasn't going to change her mind because he let out a frustrated mutter and whirled back to Raith. "I don't like this."

"Well, he is a cop," her mother said.

The judge speared his wife with a scowl as if he wanted to throttle her. "We have a top of the line security system at our house. I think we can keep our own daughter protected."

Brenda sighed. "Honestly, Walt. What do you think's going to happen if she goes with him? He can't get her pregnant again."

Raith's face turned bright red and he treated Willow to a horrified look.

"What?" she said, wondering why he appeared to have just swallowed a watermelon whole.

"They know?" he asked from between unmoving lips.

Willow shrugged and nodded. "Well... yeah... They're my parents."

After that, Raith was unable to meet her father's gaze. His face flushed a little, but he stuck firm to his decision to take Willow home with him.

And in the end, he got his way.

As Raith made arrangements for her mother to pick her up in the morning and stay with her, Willow sat huddled in the passenger seat of his truck.

Since her father's big surprise party was the next night, Willow had already taken the day off to help decorate her parent's home.

It seemed everything was working out for everyone. Raith got his way, and Brenda got hers, and even Willow got what she'd been craving for nearly a month. She got to spend one more night with Deputy Malloy.

Twenty Two