Willow's eyes were large and frightened. "You are proposing."
It was his turn to make a scoffing sound as if he was going to deny doing any such thing. But then his brow lowered moodily and he mumbled, "Yeah, I guess I am."
~ * ~
For a second, Willow couldn't breathe. She couldn't talk... couldn't even blink. Then she cleared her throat. "I could probably live with the idea of marrying you," she said and then suddenly felt very unstable, as if her skin was going to shake off her bones.
Had she just said yes?
"Fine," Raith told her as if he didn't care one way or the other. "Then we'll get married."
Willow rasped back, "Fine."
But as soon as she spoke, Raith blew out a breath. She felt as stunned as he looked. "Whoa. I didn't see that coming."
"Me neither."
"What?" he asked sharply, blue eyes intense and probing. "Do you want out already?"
Willow stared up at him. "Do you?"
This was it, she told herself. He had to be honest now. He had to tell her how he felt about her.
Clearing his throat, he chickened out at the last second. "I think I could live with being married to you."
"Okay, then," she answered. "We'll get married."
And it was set. They were engaged.
She was going to marry Deputy Raith Malloy and bear his child. Three months ago, she probably would've punched anyone who dared suggest such a wild, absurd notion, but now that it was happening, she was so giddy she was scared to death.
She was going to marry Raith, the man she loved.
"What happened?" Camille hurried to her not five seconds after she and Malloy rejoined the celebration, tugging her away from Raith's side so they could talk more privately. "God, you look like you're going to be sick. And Malloy's as white as a sheet." Her best friend clutched her arm and rushed her to a chair. "Did you two have a fight?" Concern marred her brow.
"Ohmigod, you broke up, didn't you?"
"No," Willow murmured, sounding as dazed as she felt. "I mean, yeah, we had a fight. But that's just how we communicate."
"Then what happened? You look like you could faint any second."
"I… We..." Willow swallowed and finally spoke the words aloud. "We decided to get married."
Her cousin blinked. Then her mouth fell open. After that, she shrieked and threw her arms around Willow. "Oh, wow. That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations."
Willow hugged her back, feeling numb and yet hyper-sensitive at the same time. She scanned the room over Camille's shoulder, looking for her fiancé. She spotted him surrounded by Chase, Dylan, and Kit. Kit slapped him on the back and said something that made all four men chuckle. Willow blinked, still too dazed to process much of anything.
As if sensing her stare, Raith lifted his eyes, and his gaze pinned her from across the room.
"I can't believe it," she murmured aloud.
"Well, believe it, honey." Camille patted her back. "That man is crazy about you." She squeezed Willow's fingers and let go. "Actually, I'm a little shocked you two are still here. After Dylan proposed to me, we spent the rest of the night in..." Realizing she was being a little too open, Camille snapped her mouth shut and blushed.
Willow threw back her head and laughed. Then, realizing her cousin had a point, she pushed to her feet. "I love you, Camy," she said and kissed her friend's cheek. "Now, if you'll excuse me."
"Have fun," Camille trilled after her.
Oh, she planned on it. Willow worked her way through the crowd, forced to pause every few feet and speak to a dozen different people, mostly members of her family, congratulating her. She'd almost reached him when her father stepped in her path.