As she started off, Raith turned to follow but the sheriff caught his sleeve. Raith lifted his face. His boss sent him a knowing grin. "I'd heard rumors about you and the judge's daughter," Ballard murmured. "But I didn't think it could be true, or at least quite this public."

Body going taunt, Raith casually stuck his hands in his pockets. "Oh? And why's that?"

The sheriff shrugged. "I guess I just didn't figure you as a social climber."

Though he hadn't been taking a drink of anything, Raith still choked. "Excuse me?" No way had he heard that right.

"Don't get me wrong," Ballard lifted his hands in defense. "I applaud your choice. There isn't a better family in this county to attach yourself to if you want to get somewhere. Hell, you could probably unseat me as sheriff the next election if you wanted. I just never imagined you as the type to care about politics."

"I don't," Raith growled. He took a menacing step toward the sheriff.

Ballard's eyes widened in alarm. "Raith, hey." The sheriff laughed uneasily and backed up a pace. "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just saying—"

"Well, you did," Raith cut in. "And what's worse, I can't understand how you actually believe I could possibly think about politics when I'm in bed with that woman. Have you looked at her?"

"Malloy, I didn't—"

"And I don't want your job, sheriff. You couldn't pay me enough to deal with the public like you do. I'm offended you even think I'm capable of—"

"Raith," a sweet, feminine voice broke into his tirade. Warm, slim fingers wrapped around his arm.

He turned and blinked down at Willow's cousin. Camille smiled up at him innocently. "Come see my new baby, Raith. You haven't met him yet."

Taking a step back, he studied the newly-slimmed mother. "Well, hell," he murmured, forced to return a grin. "I guess your water really was broken."

"Yes, and shame on you for not staying around until the baby was born. Now, come see him before I throw a fit." She paused and glanced at the sheriff. "Please excuse us."

As they turned away and Camille directed him toward Willow, who was busy cooing down into a swaddled bundle in her arms, Raith felt the woman at his side lean close. "You can thank me later," she said in his ear.

He glanced at her, wanting to ask what she meant by that, but they'd already reached Willow, and Camille focused her attention on the baby. "Raith," she said, stepping aside to give him a full view of the infant. "Meet my son. William Malloy Taggart."

Raith jerked to a halt and lifted his face. "Malloy?"

Willow's cousin beamed at him. "Well, you did help deliver him," she answered innocently.

"No, I didn't," he sputtered in shock. "I just—"

"Relax," Dylan said, clapping a hand onto his shoulder. Raith was stunned the man was being so cordial. Sticking with Camille while she was in labor had honestly changed Taggart's perception of him. "She's teasing," he confessed. "His middle name's Matthew."

Raith immediately wilted with relief. "Oh, thank God."

Willow laughed; his eyes seared her way. She looked good holding a kid. It was probably sexist of him to think so, but it was true. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes dewy with delight, and her smile radiated pleasure as she stared down at little Will Taggart.

"You're going to have a girl, right?" he asked, leaning over her shoulder to stare at the tyke as well.

Lifting her face, she frowned in confusion. "Why do you ask that?"

He shrugged. "Girls look more like their mothers."

The color in her cheeks flared as her smile turned almost bashful. Transferring her attention back to the baby, she murmured, "Well, well. Did you hear that, baby Will? Deputy Malloy just paid me a compliment."

Raith paused and frowned. It struck him he'd never really complimented her, had he? He hadn't told her how beautiful he thought she was, or how much he liked being with her. He'd been about the worst lover a guy could be with the woman he was totally crazy about.

He opened his mouth, but Brenda DeVane's voice rose above the crowd. "Everyone quiet!" she called, lifting hand. "Walt's coming."

A hush fell over the room, so Raith closed his trap. Ten seconds later, the door opened and the judge appeared, coming to a surprised halt and blinking at the roar of the crowd as over a hundred people chorused, "Happy Birthday."

For another two hours, Raith didn't get a moment alone with Willow. They were constantly bumping into familiar faces and mingling. It wasn't something he was used to, but his date was a pro at small talk. He didn't stray far from her, even throughout the meal and the gift opening and the judge's big announcement he was going to retire. Raith lingered at Willow's elbow and every few minutes, she rewarded him with a smile he felt deep in his groin.