Malloy paused and glanced her way. He read the guilt on her face and cursed. "God damn it, DeVane. How many times have I told you to keep that fucking door locked?"

"Well, who would want to come into my home?" she snapped, turning away from the intensity of his blue stare. "There're nicer places on this block than mine. Besides, nothing was taken."

"You mean, beside the—"

"Will you shut up about the statue? I don't know how it got here. I don't know how it left. I'm more concerned about a human being trespassing into my home at the moment."

Raith's jaw bulged as he gritted his teeth and glanced away. "It was probably one of those kooks you helped get a divorce, come to take over my spot."

Willow frowned at him. "What does that mean? Take your spot?"

Refusing to answer, he moved toward the back door. "Did you touch the handle since he's been here?"

"Yes," she mumbled, realizing that probably hadn't been the smartest of moves. "To lock it."

Raith snorted.

She set her hands on her hips. "What did you mean by that take-myspot remark?"

"What do you think I meant, DeVane?" He finally turned from the door to spear her with a look. "I've heard how quickly you move through men. You can't go without one for long. And since you got rid of me, it's about time for the next guy to slide on in, isn't it?"

For a moment, she was too startled to speak. There were so many points she wanted to argue, she didn't even know where to start. First of all, she didn't move through men and secondly, she could go a good long while without searching for the next one. And besides, she'd just found out she was pregnant; thinking about finding a replacement for Malloy was the last thing on her agenda.

Good God. Was the man mental?

But most important of all, how much more insensitive could he get? She was scared out of her mind here and he was getting jealous because... hell, she wasn't too sure why.

She could've argued any one of those points. Instead, the words she hurled his way were, "Well, you sure as hell haven't touched

me since that condom-breaking incident. I assumed our little affair was over."

Raith's nostrils flared, he was that mad. "Lady, you were gone to who-knows-where for six evenings straight. How do you expect me to come calling when you're not even home?"

Willow stared at him in shock. "How do you know I was gone?" she asked, giving him a wide-eyed stare.

He shook his head as if any explanation he gave didn't matter. "The point is..." he muttered. "I thought you were done with me."

"Well, I am now," Willow said. "You seem to know a little too much about when I'm here and when I'm not. Are you sure it wasn't you lurking in my kitchen, stalking me?"

"Yeah," Raith snorted. "I'm sneaking into your house so I can raid your panty drawer. Give me a break, DeVane."

"I wouldn't put it past you."

He glared. "Was there really someone in here tonight at all or were you just trying to get me to come over and play?"

Gasping, she took a step back. "You are such a jerk. Just... Get out of my house. Right now."

"With pleasure." He turned on his heel to start back through the house toward the front door. "Next time you have imaginary intruders, don't call me."

"Screw you!" she yelled after him.

~ * ~

Raith slammed the door on his way out. He was halfway to his car when a second cruiser pulled to the curb.

Hinton climbed out. "Need any back up?" the boy called, hurrying toward him.

Not sure whether he believed her or not that someone had been in her home, Raith paused. He wanted to tell Hinton to shove off and leave his woman alone. But he couldn't just walk out before checking the entire place over, just to make sure no one was hiding in the bushes or one of her closets. Plus, he'd already called dispatch and reported he'd be checking out a possible intruder; he couldn't just ignore this. Then again, there was no way he was going back into that house and piss her off any more than he already had. So, honestly, he needed his friend's help.