
> How to Please Your Partner in Bed.

Willow grinned. She never would've figured the great and mighty Deputy Malloy would read a self-help sex article. Intrigued by this new insight into her gruff lover, she skimmed the page. She was down to the seventh helpful tidbit of information when Raith prowled into the room.

"Satisfied now?" she asked, not even bothering to glance up as she turned the page. She already knew he hadn't found anything.

"You didn't lock the back door," he growled, setting the gun on the nightstand and immediately jerking off his shoes.

"Oh. Didn't I?"

"You damn well know you didn't."

"Hmm. Sorry about that."

"No, you're not. You did it on purpose to get at me. Well, this isn't a joke. Someone is calling you and—Damn it, DeVane. You aren't even listening to me. What do I have to do to get your attention?"

"Maybe you should try number eight here on this article. Oh, yeah. That sounds like fun."

Grasping the bare foot she'd been resting on the edge of the mattress, Raith wrapped his hand around her ankle and yanked her toward him, causing her butt to skip across the mattress.

"Hey!" she yelped, flailing her arms to gain her balance.

Raith snatched the magazine from her hand and threw it over his shoulder. Willow was able to sit up, but couldn't accomplish much more than that with his grip on her leg.

"Let me go, you bas—"

She gasped as he set his mouth on the arch of her exposed foot. Teeth nipped and his tongue stroked, making her skin tingle as an electric path spiked through every nerve ending in her leg. He worked his way up, licking the knob of her anklebone a moment before moving along, kissing and sucking as he went.

"Oh, my God," Willow moaned, throwing her head back and trying not to drown in the overwhelming onslaught of sensations. "You really did read that article."

"Try to lock your back door from here on out," he murmured, pressing his mouth to the inside of her knee. "I want you as safe as possible."

"Uh," Willow said, attempting to keep her eyes open, but not succeeding. "O... okay. I'll try."

"Thank you. That's all I ask." Finally getting what he wanted, he stopped talking and finished every instruction given on number eight of the article How to Please Your Partner in Bed.

He paused only long enough to straighten and rip off his shirt. Realizing where this was headed, Willow was suddenly very glad he'd stuck around after all.

His hands went to his zipper and he pushed down his pants. As he stepped out of them, she remembered what she'd bought earlier that day.

"Oh, I forgot!" She sat up. "I got you a present."

He lifted his face, surprise flushing his features. "You what?"

She turned away and opened her nightstand drawer to pull out a box of condoms. She'd even remembered to get the brand he preferred.

He stared down at the box as if he was unbelievably touched. Uncomfortable with that expression etched into his features, she rushed to explain, "With the handcuffs and everything earlier, I forgot about them until now."

Raith looked up at her speechless. She swallowed, feeling awkward and wishing he'd quit staring at her as if she'd just given him a car or something.

"Didn't want you to go broke," she added on a shrug as he opened the box and slowly slipped one free, taking his time as if he wanted to treasure such a priceless present. He grinned, making her stomach drop.

His gaze lifted to hers. "Want to put it on?" He tossed the package in her lap.

This was the first time he'd allowed her near his condoms since their debut roll in the sack. Not that she'd asked, mind you. She'd learned to stay back when he suited up. To have him actually suggest her participation was a big step.

Willow picked up the foil with shaking fingers and ripped the package open. He knelt on both knees before her. Spreading his hands down at his thighs, he relinquished all control and merely sucked in a breath as she rolled the prophylactic over his full length.