When Willow merely bit her lip as if considering it, he nearly swallowed his tongue from the shock. "Holy shit. You really do want to try it, don't you?"

In answer, she gave her own nonchalant shrug. "I'd prefer to use my own comfortable fuzzy pair, but—"

"Wait, I thought you said you didn't own a fuzzy pair of handcuffs."

"Did I?" Eyes going wide with mock innocence, she lifted her fingers to cover her rounded mouth. "Oops. I guess I lied." Before he could respond, she turned on her heel and made a mad dash out of the room, taunting, "Catch me if you can…Officer."

His jaw sagged as he gaped after her, unable to believe she was so adventurous.

His lust soaring to new heights, he pounced after her in hot pursuit.


The phone rang as Willow brushed her teeth. Spitting out a mouth full of cool peppermint paste, she shut off the faucet and left the bathroom. Toothbrush in one hand, she answered with the other.


"I like it better when he forgets to close the blinds before he takes you," a deep, raspy voice hissed in her ear.

Rolling her eyes, Willow snorted. "Get a life, loser." She hung up and glared at the phone.

"Who was that?"

Willow glanced over.

All six feet and two inches of Raith Malloy lay buff and naked, propped against her pillows as he thumbed through one of her fashion magazines.

She wasn't sure why he remained hanging around. She'd fed him and bedded him—not in that order—and yet here he lingered. She'd decided to brush her teeth in an attempt to tell him she was ready for bed. But he didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon.

His presence unnerved her. Sure, he'd stayed over the whole night before, every time he'd come to visit in fact. But that had been because they'd fallen into an exhausted sleep directly after an orgasm.

Tonight was different.

He'd already had his nookie hours ago, and yet... here he remained. Maybe he was hanging around for a repeat performance, though he didn't look like he was all fired for round two.

Willow didn't want him to stick around. She didn't want to get too used to seeing him stretched out naked on her flowered comforter, even though he looked utterly delicious there. She didn't want to form a bond that was going to leave a huge gaping hole through her heart when he finally left.

Since she'd been too busy staring at him to answer his question, he looked up at her curiously after flipping a page.

"It was Theo Franklin," she answered and turned back to finish brushing her teeth. At least, she thought it was Franklin. This was the second time she'd gotten a breather on the phone in the past week. And Franklin was the only jerk she could think it would be. He kept calling from a blocked number.

"Franklin?" Raith repeated on a scowl and set the magazine aside before he scooted off the bed and followed her into the bathroom. "The wife beater?" He lounged in the doorway to watch her scrub her molars.

"Mmmph hmmm," she gave the muffled answer.

Folding his arms as he studied her, Malloy sent her that penetrating cop-stare of his, and she almost rolled her eyes. The guy was naked, and he thought he could still intimidate her with a probing scowl. Well, okay, he could, but Willow would never admit it aloud. She leaned over to spit out toothpaste.

"Do you always talk to your clients that way?" he wanted to know.

Willow spit again and then filled a cup of water to rinse her mouth. "I don't represent him anymore. After he attacked me, I appointed him a new lawyer."

Raith frowned. "So, why's he still calling you?"

Willow rolled her eyes again. Ignoring him a moment, she finished rinsing then washed out the sink.

Finally, she answered. "Next time he calls and wants to know what I'm wearing I'll ask him just that for you, all right?"

"He's been harassing you?" Raith exploded. "What the hell? Why haven't you reported this? Why didn't you tell me?"