He stopped right in front of her and glanced at her outfit. She looked like the ideal woman lawyer with her briefcase held down at her side. Her starched white blouse and camel-colored suit jacket with a matching long tight skirt screamed professional tight-ass until he lowered his eyes and saw into the gap of her blouse where her lacy black bra peeked up at him. Instantly, his body grew hot and heavy.

"You know," he drawled, lifting a finger to trace the neckline of her too-white blouse. "Every time I see you in this lawyer garb, I just want to mess it up."

Willow lifted her face; he saw her nostrils flare with awareness.

"I already told you, Malloy. I have to go to work."

"So do I," he retorted.

Hell, he still had to go home, take a shower, put on his uniform— which took twice as long as putting on regular street clothes—and then go to work.

Seeing the determined look in his eyes, DeVane stepped in reverse until her back met the wall. "Malloy—" she started, but he cut her off with his mouth.

Trapping her against the wall with his body, he set his hands against the sheetrock on either side of her head and lowered his mouth to hers. She lifted her face to meet the kiss. Taking that as a cue to proceed, he slid his palms down until he reached waist level. Then his fingers deserted the wall and sought her hips. They kept traveling down until they found the hem of her skirt.

Gathering the material up, he sucked in a breath when he cupped her bare ass. Good God, she wasn't wearing full pantyhose, but thigh highs. His undoing came with the realization that the only thing keeping him from her hot center was a damp pair of flimsy lace thong panties.

Raith leaned against her, pinning her in place. She gasped against his mouth and dropped her briefcase to wrap her arms around his neck. One long leg looped his hip, the heel of her shoe stabbing him in the back of the trousers.

Relishing the pain, he fumbled with one hand to release his zipper. Before he pushed his jeans down, he rescued a condom from his pocket. Tugging it on in seconds, he snapped the narrow crotch of her panties a heartbeat later.

Both faces lowered, Raith and Willow watched him nudge her entrance. She gasped and threw her head back, bumping it against the wall. He lifted a hand and sifted it through her hair to the back of her skull as if to soothe the pain, but he never took his eyes off himself as he slowly pushed inside. To assist, Willow hitched a foot onto the top of her kitchen table, opening her thighs wider for him.

Raith groaned and sank home. Finally, he lifted his face to gauge her reaction and felt the immediate punch of male satisfaction when he saw her suck her bottom lip in between her teeth while her eyes dilated. As if he had all the time in the world, he slowly began to love her. She whimpered and clenched her fingers into his shirt, raking him with her nails.

Air puffing from her lungs in labored ecstasy, she cracked her eyes open and skewered him with a look. "Damn it, Malloy. You know I don't have time for this."

He gave her a slow smile. "Want me to stop?" He halted suddenly.

She growled. "God, no. Don't stop. Don't stop. Just hurry."

He didn't. Not for a good, long while. Instead, he drove her absolutely mad with his leisurely pace, needing to punish her for rejecting him in the bathroom, needing control of something between them because he'd lost control of his heart days ago. But it felt so damn good, he found himself beginning to rush.

She came first, as was his plan. He'd wanted to make it last, make her orgasm stretch on and on until she begged him to remain inside her forever... until she went totally wild in his arms

and started spouting out crazy shit, like she loved him or something. He wasn't sure what he was trying to accomplish. He just wanted to prove she couldn't ever deny him.

But when she tightened around him, he couldn't hold back. She was so glorious to watch, he threw back his head and shouted out his own release.

Afterward, he buried his face in her hair and breathed in her scent. Panting, they held each other until she squirmed under him. "Gotta go to work," came her muffled voice.

He wanted to deny her, to keep her here in his arms for the rest of the day. But he pulled back instead. She sank to the floor and sat there, letting out a long satisfied sigh.

"I'm going to be late," she said, but her voice totally lacked conviction.

Still, she unsteadily rolled to her feet. He reached out to help her. As their hands clasped, their eyes met. She fell immediately quiet when she caught the tense look on his face. It made his stomach pull taut. The woman suddenly looked like a little girl who was being sent to the principal's office for being naughty.

Not sure why he cared, why he had to ease her worried nerves, he leaned forward and pressed a small, simple, closed-mouth kiss to her lips. "Thank you for being late for me."

She blinked, obviously startled by his words. He cleared his throat and turned away to remove his condom. "God, woman," he muttered, not wanting her to think he was getting too mushy. "You're going to make me go broke with all these rubbers I'm buying."

He kept his back to her because he didn't want to see the dirty look she had to be giving him. It was his own fault for making her scowl, but he'd had to get rude to keep some emotional distance between them. Couldn't let her know he felt more for her than she did for him.

It took her a moment to respond and when she did, he couldn't help but notice the heat in her words. "Oh, quit complaining, Malloy. You're getting laid, aren't you?"

She had a point, so Raith shut up. Though he might argue he wasn't just "getting laid." He was living out a dream he'd had for two years. He was sleeping with the woman he'd been fantasizing over for months. And it was better than he'd always imagined it would be. Merely getting laid was the understatement of the century. Wondering what she would do if he suddenly reached out and hugged her, Raith looked away to concentrate on pulling his jeans up.

"I gotta go," he said. "I still need to shower and change before I head to work."