And, wow, did Deputy Malloy look good in a tie or what. He sure could clean up nice. He scowled her way as if he could sense her studying him, and though Willow was a little embarrassed to get caught ogling, she didn't duck her head. She merely met his stare head on and felt the immediate shock of arousal when their gazes connected.

Kathie once again gave him an expert nudge in the ribs to gain his attention. "Wasn't I huge?" she pressed.

He grunted out a non-committal sound as if he knew answering either way would get him into trouble. All the while, his eyes never left Willow.

Still finding it hard to breathe, she gazed back, wondering how he could know this woman even when she was pregnant. Were they his kids? How many did they have together? She prayed it wasn't a serious relationship, maybe just one of those on-again, off-again things that ended with a few children.

Willow winced and glanced away. Right. She was smart enough to realize that if Kathie could get him to take her to a musical, there had to be some strong ties biding them together.

It struck her that he'd cheated on this woman. He'd cheated with Willow.

He'd made her adulterous, damn it.

If she'd only known he was involved with someone else, she never would've—

Oh, who was she kidding? Nothing could've stopped her that night. She'd wanted Malloy, and he could've been married for all it mattered. She would've taken him anyway.

Swallowing at that troubling realization, she glanced toward Kathie, who was currently praising Camille for her slim ankles that weren't even swollen.

"Oh, they are a little," Camille corrected.

Kathie gave her a look. "Well, if that's swollen, my dear, then you have nothing to worry about."

Malloy took Kathie's elbow. "Crowd's thinning down."

Kathie rolled her eyes his way only to turn back to Camille and grasp her hand. "You take care of that precious baby, Camille. It was nice to meet you."

"You too," Camille told her.

Dylan smiled approvingly and nodded at Kathie.

And then Kathie turned t

o say goodbye to Willow.

"Thank you," Willow murmured to Malloy's date. "She needed that." But even as she spoke her gratitude, she lifted her eyes to the woman's man. "Malloy," she said coolly.

He met her gaze, but didn't respond otherwise. He merely turned and led Kathie Becker away.

~ * ~

As they finally headed toward the exit, Raith heard Taggart's wife repeat, "Malloy?" in shock as if she recognized the name.

He gave a smug grin. Either Taggart or DeVane had been talking to the preggo about him and his night with Willow. God, what a night that had been. It had been a week and he still shuddered with arousal when he thought about it.

He'd been dazed since then, wondering if he would ever experience that kind of sex again, that kind of woman again. Seeing her this soon, being close enough to smell her, to reach out and touch her, drove him mad.

He returned Kathie home, semi-aroused with Willow's face floating through his mind. And after he dropped his sister off, he couldn't help it, he passed by DeVane's place on his way home, just a routine drive-by to make sure everything looked okay.

But when he arrived, a light glaring from her kitchen window told him she had yet to go to bed.

Unable to control his irritating need to see her just one more time, he pulled alongside the curb and killed the engine. He called himself ten kinds of stupid for crawling back to her. She would probably kick him out on his ass, but it was almost worth the risk. Just thinking about sliding inside her one more time had him so hard, he picked up his pace, almost jogging to her back door.

He knocked; a voice inside called, "It's open."

Raith rolled his eyes. Did the woman ever practice personal safety? He was going to teach her to keep her doors locked if it was the last thing he did.

He knocked again.