He mumbled something under his breath, but Willow didn't catch the words. She eyed a family trying to work their way through the congestion. The father bent down to pick up his young daughter. Keeping a hand on the low part of his wife's back, he held the girl close with his other arm.

"Daddy, I want to be an actress when I grow up," the girl said, resting her cheek on his shoulder.

Willow smiled softly. "Besides," she told Dylan. "I think it was enough that I came tonight. She already owes me big time."

Dylan shoved his hand into his pockets but didn't reply. He had to be suffering just as badly as she was, but he would swallow his tongue before he made one negative comment about the play. His beloved had wanted to come, so by God, he'd act excited for her benefit.

"God, did that suck or what?" Willow asked, bumping his elbow with her own. She thought maybe he'd give his honest opinion since Camy was out of earshot. But, loyal to a fault, Dylan refused to comment. Rolling her eyes, Willow turned away only to focus on another couple moving steadily toward the exit. Her heart bumped hard against her ribcage.

"Well, well," she said, proud she sounded so casual. "If it isn't Deputy Malloy."

Beside her, Dylan tensed. Malloy glanced over at his name, and a pair of scorching blue eyes zeroed in on her. The woman at his side also paused and looked up at the call, erasing all doubt she might not be with him. She eyed Willow openly, very upfront about her curiosity, no doubt wondering how Willow fit into her escort's life.

Willow took in his date with one glance. Tall, slim, dark hair and eyes. Deciding she was better looking than his arm candy, Willow turned back to Malloy. She was tempted to say something nasty like I guess it's true that you men always trade down, hmm. But the thought of him with someone else and so soon hurt too much for her to say anything. She settled for a cool scowl.

Malloy didn't even notice, too busy checking out the man next to her. When he realized it was Dylan, he turned back to give her a look-who'sfooling-around-with-whom look.

The woman with him poked him in the side, just under the ribcage to gain his attention. It was a well-delivered jab. She seemed comfortable with it as if she'd done it many times before and was quite aware it was a sensitive spot for him. She knew how to touch him, which made Willow's skin tingle with a panicky kind of jealous that left her lungs empty of air.

Malloy shot his date a surprised look.

"Are you going to introduce me to your friends, Raith?" she asked, only to promptly turn back to Willow and smile expectantly.

Malloy regretfully muttered, "This is Willow DeVane."

His date glanced toward Dylan but Malloy didn't bother to acknowledge him. The woman blinked at Malloy, obviously startled by his rudeness. But then she forced another smile at Willow and stuck out her hand. "Hello. I'm Kathie Becker."

Willow shook hands with her good-naturedly. "A pleasure to meet you," she lied. "This is my cousin, Dylan Taggart," she added since Malloy obviously wasn't going to.

Dylan nodded politely. "Ma'am," he said, but his face lifted suddenly as he focused on the bathroom. His eyes widened and he brusquely said, "Excuse me." Quickly brushing past Willow, Malloy and Kathie, he hurried away.

Frowning, Willow turned to see Camille stumble toward him with tears streaming down her cheeks and looking ten months pregnant.

Dylan caught her face in his hands and drew her protectively close. "What happened?" he demanded urgently, as if he were ready to take on any foe who had insulted his woman.

"I saw myself in the bathroom mirror," Camille wailed. "Oh, God, Dylan. I look like a cow. I'm so fat. I can't take this anymore."

Dylan pulled her into a hug and kissed her hair. "Camille, baby, you are not fat. Sweetheart, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

But Camille buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed. "I'm obese!"

Willow sighed. "Here we go again." She opened her purse to pull out a small tissue holder and tugged one free. After handing it to Dylan, she watched a bit enviously as he reverently dabbed his wife's cheeks dry.

"And this is Camille, Dylan's wife," Willow said to Kathie, smiling with amusement at Raith's expression as he watched Camille with horrorstruck fascination.

"Hello, Camille," Kathie said, soothingly and smiled at Willow's cousin. "How far along are you?"

"Eight months," Dylan answered for his wife.

Kathie's eyes shot open wide. "My goodness," she murmured. "I

would've guessed only four or five."

Camille finally lifted her head. "Really?" she said and sniffed back some tears.

"When I was eight months pregnant, I was out to here," Kathie commented.

Willow glanced at Malloy, shocked to discover he would date a woman with a kid. She was surprised enough as it was that he had attended a musical. But, come to think of it, he didn't look all that happy about being present. He kept reaching up to tug at his tie.