She wasn't about to relinquish her own stubborn pride and try to stop him. So, she'd given him a sullen look and blandly replied, "Yeah

. See you around."

"Willow, I'm worried about you," Camille said, yanking her back to the present. "Dylan didn't have one good thing to say about this guy."

Willow let out a strained sigh. She didn't like him so much herself, so why did hearing someone else bash him make her want to stand up for him? "There's no reason to worry. It's not serious. You know me. The queen of a million dates. I can't stay with one man too long."

"A million dates, yes? One-night stands, no. Relationships, God no. You have no problems going out into public with anyone, but that's as far as you venture. I mean, tell me honestly, when was the last time you've been with a man?"

"Last night," Willow said dryly.

Camille rolled her eyes. "I meant before that?"

Willow sighed. "Okay. It's been..." she paused, realizing she didn't even know the answer to that question. A year? Two? "A while, but—"

"I count four."

Willow's mouth dropped open. "Four years?" Dear Lord, she'd definitely been overdue. No wonder she'd attacked Malloy the way she had.

"Four men. Including last night, you've slept with four different men in your entire life."

When Willow didn't answer, her cousin grinned. "I know. I'm good, aren't I?"

"You're going to ruin my image if you start spreading around lies like that," Willow muttered.

Camille laughed. "Lies? As if." When Willow gave her a moody stare, she sighed. "Oh, I'm sure I'm the only one who knows. The rest of the county thinks you're a total ho-bag if that makes you feel any better."

Willow stuck her tongue out. Her cousin ignored the childish comeback and nailed her with a knowing grin. "Know what I think?"

"Do I care?" Willow retorted.

"I think you're really a romantic at heart. Just like me." Talking over Willow's snort, she added, "You want what both our parents have. What Dylan and I have."

Willow drew up a bored eyebrow. "Really? Is that why I'm a lawyer who capitalizes on divorces? Because I'm so enthralled by happily ever afters? Hmm. I've always wondered."

"Okay, so you're a realist too. But I honestly don't think you can be a member of our family without believing in love and marriage."

"Look. I admit that, okay, it would be nice if the whole love crap happened to me. But it never has, Camy. And I'm not just going to sit at home alone waiting for some guy who might not exist to come knocking on my door. Officer Malloy is not my Prince Charming. I know that. But he was hot and available and I thought, why the hell not, which turned out wonderful for me because the man is unbelievable in bed. And I mean, unbelievable."

"I guess he showed you more than a few self-defense moves," Camille snickered.

Willow opened her mouth to reply before it struck her. She hadn't once mentioned self-defense since her cousin had come through the door. And there was no way Dylan would've known why Malloy had been at her house in the first place. She scowled and crossed her arms over her chest. "Your brother has a big mouth."

Camille sighed. "Kit didn't tell me. He told Tina, who told me. Now lift up your bangs so I can see this bruise for myself."

Mumbling a curse under her breath, Willow complied and tried to ignore the sympathetic coo her friend made as she leaned forward and studied the mark Theo Franklin had left two days before.

"At least tell me Malloy taught you a little self-defense before you two slept together," Camille demanded.

Ignoring the question, Willow let her hair fall back into place. "So, everyone in the family knows what happened at the jail?"

"Of course," Camille announced brightly. "You'll probably be hearing from your parents and your brother soon enough. I'm just the lucky one who caught you first."

"Wonderful." Willow slumped further into her chair.

"Now, back to this Malloy fellow," Camille started again, making her cousin groan. "Everyone else will lecture you enough about staying safe from your clients. But they won't dare talk about your sex life. That's what I'm for. And I'm concerned." She paused a second and then restated, "Actually, Dylan's concerned. But if he's concerned, then I'm concerned."

"Well, don't be," Willow assured. "After last night, I'll probably never talk to Malloy again in my life."