"Then why are you sleeping with him?"

Willow couldn't seem to touch that question. She didn't want to dwell on the answer. She gave Dylan a helpless smile and shrugged.

He sighed. "Just watch yourself, okay?"

Willow smiled. "Thank you for the concern. You really are an exceptional man, Dylan Taggart."

He looked away bashfully and said, "Thanks for the food," as he tucked his wife's craving cure inside his coat.

"Any time," Willo

w answered. "Say hi to Camille for me."

"Will do." He kissed her quickly on the cheek, then turned to go, but pulled up short when he saw Deputy Malloy, now in his shirt, shoes and coat added to the jeans he was wearing before, slouched in the doorway to the living room with his arms crossed over his chest.

The two men paused to glare at each other before Dylan walked out the back door.

~ * ~

"You should lock that door," Raith growled as soon as Taggart left.

Willow lifted her face to scowl at him. "Only family comes in that door. Why would I lock family out?"

"It's stupid to lock your front door and not your back."

She didn't answer, but sent him a steady glare. Raith grew uncomfortable and shoved his hands in his pockets, figuring he'd just outstayed his welcome.

Damn it to hell.

"I'm going to shove off," he muttered.

"Yeah. Bye," she said, sounding rude, as if she wanted to add, "Good riddance."

Raith sent her a scowl. She'd been all sweet and kissy to Taggart when he'd left. And now the man she had actually slept with was going, she had to turn pissy. It irritated him. It sent him into a jealous rage. And damn, it hurt.

"What?" he sneered. "Don't I get a farewell kiss like good ol' Taggart?" He swaggered closer to where she still sat perched on the kitchen cabinet's countertop.

Willow dutifully leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek the same way Dylan had kissed her.

Raith pulled back, feeling bereft.

So that was it, huh? She was done with him.

Lungs squeezing tight, he began to turn away. But she caught his arm. He paused, came back and lifted his eyebrows when she didn't speak.

Her gaze bored into him, and he could actually feel her digging around in his head, examining all the agony he felt. Just when he presumed she would laugh at him and shove him away for being such a weak romantic, she grasped the front of his shirt and pulled him close, touching her mouth to his. His stomach tightened into knots.

Willow's robe parted as he pressed his tongue inside her mouth, and Raith immediately discovered she had nothing on under it. Groaning, he slipped his hand up her warm skin and eased his hips in between her thighs.

"Jesus, you are so hot," he muttered and grabbed a condom out of his pocket before pushing his jeans down over his hips.

Willow was ready for him, so very ready. "Don't stop," she commanded.

He gave a harsh laugh. Stopping was the last thing on his mind. Stopping was the very last thing he ever wanted to do. In fact, lasting until they were old and grey, humping in creaking rocking chairs, sounded pretty damn fabulous to him.

Her mouth dropped open as they came together. "Oh my God, you're so big. It feels so…Oh my God."

Her eyes closed against the ecstasy of it, so she didn't see him wince. No promises of love and forever from her. Just sex. Physical, he reminded himself. This was just physical pleasure. Nothing else.