With a flush, she lifted her hand to cover her mouth, but he caught her wrist. Ducking her head, she admitted, “Travis and I never—”

When a growl gurgled from his throat, she jerked her face up, her eyes growing wide with alarm.

But he waved his hand, encouraging her to continue. “You and he…what?”

“I…I…it’s nothing.” She shook her head frantically and squirmed slightly under him, letting him know how uncomfortable she’d gotten.

“Jo Ellen,” he gritted out, his teeth strained together. “Just because I want to punch something every time I hear that name doesn’t mean you can’t say what you want to say. So please. Tell me what you and he did so I know what not to do.”

She opened her mouth…and a cell phone rang from the depths of her purse.

He closed his eyes, hissed a mutter against her neck, and groaned. “You should probably answer that, huh?”

She touched his hair. “I don’t have to.”

“No.” He sighed. “Go ahead. We can’t finish this here anyway.” He didn’t pull back but continued to pin her to the seat of his truck, slipping his hand up her waist to cup her hip before he opened his mouth and caught a bit of skin at the base of her throat between his teeth.

As he licked her pulse, fully prepared to torture her the entire time she talked to her caller, she shuddered and fumbled to dig her phone from her purse. When she lifted the display screen, she frowned at the number. “Hmm. I wonder who this is.”

Cooper’s palm found its way inside the hem of her blouse and smoothed a titillating circle over her belly, making the muscles underneath tense and quiver.

“H-hello?” she breathed the word as she answered the annoying ring.

There was a pause before Cooper heard the faint voice of the caller hesitantly ask, “Jo Ellen?”

“Yes.” She sucked in a breath and arched while Cooper moved his mouth’s attention south, finding her aching nipple between the layers of cloth. “This…this is Jo Ellen.”

“Hey, it’s Travis. You told me to call whenever I made it into Tommy Creek.”

Cooper froze as the muffled voice from her phone’s speaker reached his ears. Blood thundered through his head, making his vision blur and his cranium feel crammed tight with a buzzing roar as he lifted his face and took in the features of Jo Ellen’s guilty expression. Color leeched from her cheeks as she met his gaze with wide eyes.

“I…I…” she fumbled into the phone before clearing her throat. “Yes, but…”


He pulled back, sitting upright in the truck’s seat. Yes? What the hell did she mean by yes?

“Why don’t we just meet at the reunion tomorrow, okay? We can talk there.”

His lips parted as she made plans to meet another man. Jesus God, not just another man, the other man; Travis fucking Untermeyer.

Betrayal, pain, shock and too many more emotions to name prickled his skin like a dozen jolts of electric current or bumblebees stinging him. She’d made plans to meet Untermeyer here in Tommy Creek?



How did he know her cell phone number?

Oh, God. What if they’d never broken up? What if…

“Yes, I’ll see you then.” When she disconnected, her gaze immediately sought him. “Cooper—”

He held up his hand and simply breathed. Inhale. Exhale. One moment at a time.

Then he exploded. “Jesus Christ! Please tell me that was not Travis Untermeyer.”

She bit her lip, guilt making her eyes crinkle with unspoken apology. He cursed under his breath.