Wanting to reciprocate, she said, “Wait a second.”

He stopped and looked up in concern, like he was worried she was going to stop him. But she merely wiggled her hips around until her feet were by the headboard and her face was in his crotch.

“I’ll do you while you do me,” she explained, spreading his fly apart and taking him into her hand.

At the first touch of her mouth on him, he went rigid and sucked in a breath. He whipped a hand out as if to pull her away from him by her hair. But instead, he tugged off her ponytail holder and buried his fingers in her thick locks.

“Oh, holy God,” he groaned and tightened his grip as she stroked him with her tongue from base to tip. “Jesus.”

B.J. glanced up at him then. He’d thrown his head back and the muscles in his neck worked as he sucked in a silent gasp of pleasure. “Let me guess,” she said. “You’ve never had a blowjob before.”

He let out a strangled laugh. “If Amy wouldn’t let me go down on her, do you honestly think she’d go anywhere near my. . .” He groaned and closed his eyes when she reached out to stroke him with her index finger.

“Well, then maybe you should worry about me later,” she suggested. “Lie back and fully enjoy your first BJ from B.J.”

He shook his head. “No,” he rasped. “I want your taste in my mouth.”

Not one to argue about getting herself some pleasure, B.J. shrugged and watched him lean toward her. What followed was the best sixty-niner she’d ever experienced.



Grady’s voice jerked her back from the brink of drifting off. She opened her eyes and drowsily mumbled, “Hmm?”

But, wow. She felt like a limp noodle. Lying there in his arms, she wanted to fall asleep so she could wake in that same position, rested and rejuvenated for another round.

“What’s the ‘J’ stand for?”

She cracked open one eye. “J?”

“In B.J.”

Unable to help herself, she chuckled. God, he never forgot anything, did he?

“Jewell,” she relented, hoping that would be that.

It wasn’t.

“Your name’s Banner Jewell?”

“The Banner part was supposed to be Banana,” she explained. “Actually, it was supposed to be bananer because that’s what Pop calls bananas. But Jebediah Gilmore can’t spell worth crap, so I ended up being Banner instead.”

“Banner Jewell,” he repeated to himself.

She sighed. “I’m going to have to tell you the whole freaking story, aren’t I?”

He didn’t answer, but his look said yes.

“Okay. All right. When my mother was pregnant with me, she was always hungry for bananas. She ate them like they were going out of style. Well, Pop would tease her and say I was going to come out one big bananer if she didn’t stop. But my mom would rub her stomach and say, ‘Don’t talk about my little Jewell that way.’ And Pop would counter, ‘Don’t you mean, your bananer?’ I guess the joke was carried all the way through her pregnancy. So, when I was born, they named me Bananer Jewell. Except Pop spelled the name wrong on my birth certificate. And Bananer became Banner. And Banner Jewell quickly became B.J. Thank God.”

“I like the name Banner,” he said, sounding almost defensive about her bashing her own name. “If we have a girl, I think we should name her Banner.”

“Hell no,” B.J. said, jerking upright into a sitting position to glare down at him. “I’m not putting some poor child through that name.”

He lifted his eyebrows in disagreement, but said, “Then what were you thinking for a girl’s name?”

Totally clueless as how to answer, she muttered, “I don’t know. I haven’t even thought about it.”