I couldn’t wait for the day when we could bring her down for good.

“Then I’ll be sure to give you more to do tomorrow,” she snarled.

“Great,” I chirped, smiling saucily. “Can’t wait.”

My reply confused her. Her eyebrows furrowed. She didn’t know how to quip something snide back to that. So she simply pointed toward the opening of the kitchen. “Just leave already. I’ll be docking an hour from your pay for that break you just took.”

“Sure thing,” I answered. “Sounds reasonable.” And I started for the exit, moving so perkily I caused my ponytail to bounce.

Score one for Gabby.

Chapter 21


I was still grinning when I pulled the front door open and nearly collided with Hayden, who was approaching with what looked like a huge leather file folder under his arm.

“Hey,” I greeted enthusiastically. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.”

Grasping his leash—er, tie—I yanked him in for a quick but hearty kiss. “Mmm.” Pulling away, I licked my lips and grinned. “I believe that makes us even again, three for three.”

“Hmm. I suppose,” he murmured, narrowing his eyes suspiciously even as he lifted his thumb to his mouth to touch the place I’d kissed him. “You’re entirely too happy. What kind of mischief have you gotten yourself into this time?”

“No mischief,” I answered, lowering my gaze to his chest and the buttons on that black suit vest of his. Damn, he looked fine in a suit vest. “I just adore how she tries so hard to say something to piss me off and yet rarely succeeds.” I ran my fingers along the buttons and winked at him. “Not like you so easily push my buttons, anyway.”

One of his eyebrows arched. “You’re saying I’m the reigning champion, then?”

Lifting my gaze to his, I paused at the top button of his vest and pushed it in threateningly. “Don’t let it go to your head, Carmichael.”

His eyes sparked with heat as he leaned in and whispered, “Too late.”

Behind me, Lana stormed into the room, only to jerk to a halt and snarl, “What’re you still doing here?” As soon as she spoke, however, she noticed Hayden with me and straightened, smoothing her hand over her hair as if to iron out the frayed parts her encounter with me had caused.

“So? Did you get it?” she asked.

Hayden blinked at his mother as if startled to see her so flustered. His gaze briefly sought mine, and I caught a glimmer of respect in their depths as he realized I really had just won a sparring match with her.

Then he turned back to Lana and held out the file-folder-looking thing. “The portfolio you requested.”

My mouth fell open. I spun to gape up at him, unable to believe he’d actually taken it. He wouldn’t do that to his own brother. To Kaitlynn.

The man I thought I was coming to know would never.


Did I really know him?

Yes. Yes, I did.

Even though his gaze looked distant and blank when he glanced my way, I felt the certainty of my faith in him deep in my bones. He had to have found a loophole somewhere.

Next to us, Lana cooed with delight. “Oh, goodie,” she exclaimed, immediately flipping through the pages and browsing. “Mmm. These are rather good. I think I’ll sell this one to Captiva United, and maybe this one to Gold Designs.”

Hayden tore his stony stare from me to gape at Lana. “You’re going to sell them to our competitors?”

“What’s that, dear?” Lana glanced up. “Oh.” She waved a hand over the portfolio. “Only a few. The best ones, for sure.”

“But…” Hayden shook his head. “Why? That would hurt JFI. It would hurt you.”