“Holy shit.” I swallowed hard as the truth finally sank in, like really fucking sank in. Everything I’d ever thought about Brick was built on a lie, a lie Lana had led us to believe was the gospel truth.

“Do I tell him?” I whispered, not sure what to think about it all. How would it affect Brick? How would it change our relationship?

Jesus, I couldn’t tell him this. What if he never wanted to talk to me again?

“Hell yes, you tell him,” Gabby said, shaking her head at me incredulously as if she couldn’t believe I’d even ask such a question. “This is his paternity we’re talking about. He thinks his father is dead. But he’s not. What if he needs a kidney transplant someday or—?”

“Then I’m not letting him take this fucker’s kidney,” I cried, lifting the letter in righteous indignation. Jesus, Isaac had to know Brick was his. Why had he never said anything? “If it were up to Isaac, Brick wouldn’t even be here right now. If Broderick gets anyone’s kidney, it’ll be mine. Holy shit, this is—” I shook my head slowly. “I wonder why Lana didn’t get an abortion with Brick. She’s not exactly the loving kind of mother.”

“Leverage,” Gabby answered on an easy shrug.

When I glanced at her, she flushed a little, then winced. “I mean, sorry. But if you think about it—you know, from her evil perspective—it’s obvious. You said she always wanted this Isaac guy, right? Before she even married your dad? And when he rejected her, she was hurt and pissed enough to marry his own father in retaliation. From the tone of his letter, he had no love lost for her whatsoever. I mean seriously, it sounds like he absolutely hated her. Makes you think the only reason they even sexed it up in the first place was because she lured him home for Christmas, or something similar by guilt-tripping him with words like, your father really wants to see you, only to spike his holiday punch with a roofie, and whoopsie, he woke up naked in bed with his stepmom. If she had his baby, she could hold it over his head forever. Of course she wasn’t going to lose that kind of manipulative opportunity.”

I sniffed and shook my head. “You’re getting to know Lana well, because that sounds exactly like something she’d do.”

Gabby shrugged. “That, or I’ve just seen too many of the telenovelas Papá watches.”

Her rueful grin caused an immediate wave of longing to tear through me. I don’t know if it was because she was just so fresh, and open, and genuine that it caught me so strongly, or because she was the complete antithesis of the kind of woman I was used to, or if it was something else, something that was pure Gabriella, but I was gripped by this overflowing emotion I couldn’t remember ever having for anyone else before.

Overcome, I reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair at the back of her neck and I hauled her against me, smashing my mouth to hers.

As my tongue spiked between her teeth, she met me lick for lick, clutching my face in her hands and slipping her fingers up into my hair as well.

When she broke off suddenly, she panted and rested her forehead on my shoulder. “What—” Glancing up, her eyes were dilated as she licked her lips and continued to pant. “What was that for?”

“Because you’re you,” I said simply, running my gaze over her face, then reaching out to catch a piece of unruly hair before I smoothed it down with the others. “Because you have no problem showing all the emotions I can’t. You’re fresh, and open, and honest, and—just being around you makes my heart race. And if I can’t be you, then I want inside you. You completely undo me.”

“Oh.” Her voice was high and breathless as she gulped once, then nodded. “Well, okay then.”

That was all the invitation I needed.

When she reached for me, cupping my face between her hands and pulling me back to her, I was right there, kissing her with everything I had. I buried my fingers in her hair while she clutched the front of my shirt before humming deep in her throat and slipping her hands around to grip the muscles in my back, right through my chambray shirt. Her fingers smoothed down to my ass, and suddenly I was hefting her up by the waist and setting her on the edge of my desk.

She opened her thighs, and I pressed in against her, warm groin to warm groin. We both shuddered and moaned, deepening and lengthening our kisses until they grew wetter and sloppier, our attention switching to our hands and bodies. I pressed hard against her, grinding with a rhythm that she matched and ground back to.

Buttons slipped free from our clothes and zippers slid down from our jeans. I kissed her shoulder as I slipped her blouse over it, and she toured my abdomen with her hands before sliding lower and clutching my cock through my jersey shorts.

“Oh God,” she whimpered, her fingers kneading and exploring my length. “I can’t wait to feel all this inside me.”

Words to render a man brainless.

Skipping ahead, I left her bra in place as soon as I got her shirt off and I started to shimmy her jeans and panties down her hips together as one. She let go of my dick long enough to clutch the edge of the desk and lift her bottom so I could pull the jeans away, toeing off her shoes as she went. Then she reached for me again, but I shifted my hips back and grinned into her eyes mischievously.

She caught the look and smiled back, shaking her head in warning. “What’re you planning, Carmichael?”

“Watch and see,” I murmured, kneeling before her until my face was directly between her spread thighs and I was staring feminine heaven right in the eye.

“Oh hell. Are you really going to—?” She gasped when I kissed her there, flicking my tongue and then swirling and tasting everything wet and musky. Fingers immediately gripped my hair as the thighs on either side of me tightened and flexed. “Jesus God, you are. Mmm.”

She clutched the desk with one hand while the other stayed firmly in my hair as she commenced to riding my face, her hips undulating and back arching. Her panting heaved louder and her groans grew thicker. I clutched her thighs with my hands and let my tongue do all the work as I stared up at the expression on her face, watching lips part and her head fall back.


The sound of my name on her tongue was paradise. I swelled in my boxer briefs and stroked myself through the cloth as Gabby’s body began to peak. Suddenly, she curled down her chin and clenched her teeth, bracing for the power of the first mighty convulsion as her orgasm struck. I watched her expression throughout the entire ordeal, while she tried to fight it and capture it all at the same time. Just as she was reaching the end, her lashes fluttered open, and she met my gaze.

Her mouth opened as if she wanted to tell me something, but all she could seem to do was stare down at me as my tongue worked, bringing her to the last of her completion. “You…” she tried, but she only shook her head and gave up trying.

I lapped up the last of her juices then sat back, watching her draw in a steadying breath. Then I reached into my pocket and drew out my wallet, flipping until I found a condom.