A second later, we were in the hallway of Preston Estates, panting out our relief against the opposite wall and facing Lana’s bejeweled door from across the corridor.

With a grin, I glanced over at Hayden who was breathing hard and smoothing the back of his hand over his glistening brow.

“Was it just me,” I asked, trying to catch my breath. “Or was that a fucking rush?”

He glanced over as if I’d lost my mind. Then a slow smile spread over his face. “It had a certain appeal,” he finally admitted.

With a husky laugh, I answered, “Hell yes, it did.” And I cupped his face between my gloved hands before kissing him breathless.

Chapter 25


Reluctantly tearing my mouth from Gabby’s, I peeled one of her hands from the front of my shirt, where she was holding me tight, and I jerked my gloves off before taking her fingers again to squeeze them warmly.

Because seriously, if I let her keep kissing me the way she was, we’d never make it home.

“Let’s go back to my place,” I said.

Her eyes glittered with awareness, and the color in her cheeks heightened as she nodded eagerly. Jesus, she wanted me. She really wanted me. My body stirred and jeans grew tight.

I began to forget about our original mission for the evening and all the evidence we had collected on our phones as I towed her down the hall toward the exit, pausing once at a trash receptacle to dispose of our gloves. Nothing seemed a

s important as getting inside this woman.

Once we reached my car, I stopped completely, turning toward her before I opened her door. After kissing her hair, I pressed my brow to hers and simply breathed her in, enjoying this moment of simply standing there against her, our breaths still coming fast and bodies straining for more contact. She seemed to understand everything that was racing through me because she lifted her hand and pressed her palm flat against my heart before erotically sliding her touch down my chest toward my belt.

I groaned out an anticipatory breath and ripped open the passenger side door. Gabby looked up at me; the trust and need in her brown eyes a powerful aphrodisiac. She smiled with promise before she turned and climbed into her seat. Taking a moment after shutting her door to calm myself, I exhaled and strode around toward the driver’s side.

“So, what’re we going to do with everything we took pictures of?” Gabby asked as soon as I sat beside her.

She already had her phone out and was scrolling through her pictures.

Dammit. Those few seconds it had taken me to get into the fucking car had distracted her back to the matter at hand. I was hoping we could put that off until after—well, never mind. Now I was thinking about the pictures we’d taken too. Shit.

“I have a wireless printer at home,” I told her. “We should both be able to print the photos we took straight from our phones.”

“Good.” She leaned in toward her phone and squinted at the screen. “Maybe it’ll blow things up big enough to read better because, ugh, reading off this tiny screen is so not cool.”

I glanced over as she sighed, giving up on trying to decipher what she was looking at, and put her phone away.

“Did you photograph anything that looked like the will?” I asked.

“No.” She winced and met my gaze. “You?”

“No.” Fuck.

I hissed out a breath and refused to let that defeat me because at least we knew where to go to look for it now.

Gabby had similar thoughts. She squeezed my arm and smiled encouragingly. “But we found something, huh?”

“Yeah.” I took her hand and rubbed my thumb over the back of her fingers. “We sure did.”

“What do you think those phones were about?”

I shook my head. “I’m not sure. But they can’t be good if she kept them.”

“And then hid them,” Gabby added. “If they really did belong to that couple—”