“Diego is such a dear, isn’t he?” she stated. “We hit it off more than I was expecting last night after you and my own son ditched out on me for supper. But, oh! I hope it wasn’t too distressing for you to see your ex with me just now?” she taunted, the sympathy in her voice so thin it was utterly transparent. “We just couldn’t help ourselves.”

This time I really did laugh in her face. “Really? You’re worried about not distressing me? And here, I was sure you’d slept with him last night with the sole intent to distress me.”

“What?” Her mouth pinched together hard and her eyes narrowed. “That’s preposterous.”

I shrugged. “Whatever. It’s honestly no skin off my nose either way.” I held up a finger. “But, uh, I should probably correct you. You see, Diego was never my ex. He was more like my stalker. Frankly, I’m glad to be rid of him, so thank you for getting him out of my hair. I really appreciate it. I mean, whew, that man does not take no for an answer. I was worried I was going to have to put a restraining order out on him. But…” With another shrug, I grinned. “I guess I don’t have to worry about that now. He finally has someone else to latch on to.”

Lana blinked once. For a moment, she looked lost, discombobulated, and a little concerned.

But then she glowered at me before snarling, “This place better be spotless by the time I return tonight.” Motioning toward the door when the bell rang, she added, “That’s probably some staff member with your new uniform. Answer it and change out of those rags immediately.” Then she spun away and stormed off. As soon as I heard a door slam shut down the hall, I burst out laughing.

“Trying to best me, bitch? Well, the joke’s on you. You just got yourself a new clingy stalker. Congratulations.”

I was so tickled that her ploy to hurt me had backfired I was still grinning when I pulled the door open.

The guy on the other side seemed surprised that I answered. Eyeing me with confusion, he held up a black garment bag and said, “I have a delivery for—”

“That’s for me,” I cut in and took it from his hand. “Thanks.”

He nodded, seemingly relieved. With a slight bow, he added, “Feel free to ring if you need anything else, ma’am. We bill all deliveries straight to the apartment.”

“Really?” Grinning, I lifted my eyebrows, impressed by the offer. “Wow, I will. Thank you.”

After wishing him a good day, I hurried back to a guest bathroom and slipped the maid uniform on. It was tight in the bust, which had me grumbling. Seriously, why couldn’t I work at a place that left my boobs some breathing room?

Once I was decked out in my work gear, I returned to the living room to await my new boss. Bless her heart.

She and Diego emerged together, smiling intimately at one another with his hand resting at the base of her spine until they paused in front of the door to face each other. He murmured something low in her ear that caused her to chuckle. Then he leaned in and kissed her for what felt like five hours, grabbing her butt the whole time.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, glancing at my watch and hoping maybe I’d be off my shift and ready to go home by the time they finished. But then Lana pulled away, patting his cheek with an indulgent smile, and dismissed him.

When she opened the door for him to leave, Diego finally glanced my way again, and the look he sent me seemed to say, see what you missed out on?

Oh brother.

I made a point to yawn, showing him how completely unimpressed I was. Both he and Lana huffed in irritation. And as soon as he was out the door, she turned to me in an uppity manner, flipping open a two-foot-long sheet of paper with all my instructions on it. After she handed that over, she gave me my keycard for the apartment. Then she snapped up her purse and keys and strolled out the door without a farewell.

“Well.” I looked around the already-spotless front room. “How hard could this seriously be?” I checked the list. “Meh.” There might’ve been a number of things she wanted done, and I mean a lot, but none of it seemed insurmountable. Looked like pretty average tasks, if you asked me. “Sweet.”

First things first, I retrieved the bag Hayden had given me, and then I got to work, returning each of the contents as I passed the ar

eas where they belonged.

I whistled while I worked, shaking my hips to an imaginary tune in my head through the vacuuming and humming aloud as I dusted. This really wasn’t so bad at all. Hell, it might be the easiest job I’d ever had.

As I went, I snooped and checked every nook and cranny for hidden recesses, searching for some place an evil woman might store damning evidence against herself. But I found nothing in the front room.

In the kitchen, the only thing I found out of place was Lana’s bra. Eww. I picked it up with the handle of a broom and dropped it in the trash because the clasp looked broken anyway. Double eww.

After mopping, cleaning the dishes, and taking out the trash, I started for her bedroom.

Not a smart move.

As soon as I entered, I nearly gagged before immediately backtracking into the hall.

“Oh my God,” I gasped.

The woman was evil. Pure evil.