
For some inexplicable reason, Gabriella always seemed to jolt and throw me off my game. How the hell did she do that?

I studied the spitfire before me, perplexed. My head was still spinning over the fact that I’d just told her I was going to pursue her—even though I had repeatedly tried to convince myself I was done with women and relationships entirely.

And she didn’t even know my name yet?

That didn’t seem like it should be possible.

“Hayden Carmichael,” I said, holding out a hand because I wanted to feel her flesh against mine as well as appear more professional and in control of my faculties than I actually was.

“Hades Carmichael?” she murmured, making a face and nodding before saying, “Hmm. Makes sense.”

“Hayden,” I corrected. “Not Hades. Which reminds me, I never got your surname.”

“Salazar,” she returned, furrowing her brow as she shook with me. “Didn’t Kaitlynn mention that?”

“Kaitlynn and I don’t speak, so no.”


“And I’d appreciate it if you never mentioned to her that I’ve actually been to her apartment or even know where she lives.” I made a sour face, just thinking about the deplorable brick building she chose for room and board.

Gabby shook her head. “Wait, I’m confused. If you weren’t there because of Kaitlynn the first time you saw me, then what the heck were you doing there?”

“I never said I wasn’t there because of her.”

“Oh my God,” she growled, lifting her hands in aggravation. “You are so frustratingly vague sometimes. But fine, I’ll play. If you never talk to Kaitlynn, then how could you be there because of her? Wouldn’t she be aware of your visit, or are you just freaking stalking her?”

“I don’t have to visit her to be there because of her, you know.”

I turned toward the school only to find a familiar-looking boy exiting the gate and streaking toward us.

“So, who do you visit then when you’re there because of Kaitlynn but not there to see Kaitlynn?” Gabby persisted, not giving up with her line of questioning and obviously not sensing her brother’s approach.

I slipped my hand into my pocket and nervously jiggled my keys in my pocket. “I have business with the building’s owner.”

Gabby gasped in shock. “Rick? You know Rick?”

I grimaced. “Unfortunately.”

She huffed out a sound of amusement and opened her mouth to say more, but her brother had just reached us.

“Hey, Gabs! Who is he? Is that his car? Do we get to ride in it?” The boy I vaguely remembered from a few weeks back burst between Gabby and me, making her jolt in surprise and press a hand to her heart as he added, “Did you bring home any leftover muffins or pie today? I’m starving.”

With a sigh, Gabby trudged toward the back door of my sedan and opened it for her brother. “No, I forgot the muffins. Sorry. Just get in.”

The boy looked curiously between me and his sister, but the prospect of riding in a car must’ve excited him too much to question it, so he popped into the backseat.

Gabby shut the door and sighed dramatically, opening her own door and sliding in. Which left me standing on the curb by myself.

Okay, then. Nice introduction.

Snapping out a wrinkle in my jacket, I made my way back around to the driver’s side. Once I was behind the wheel and had the engine started, I sent Gabby a meaningful look, then cast her brother a glance.

Catching on, she unenthusiastically lifted her hand and motioned between the two of us. “Miguel, this is Hayden. Hayden, Miguel.”

“Hayden?” When I glanced into the rearview mirror, Miguel wrinkled his nose. “Who’s Hayden? What happened to Diego?” he leaned into the front, poking his head into the open space between me and Gabby. “I thought it was Diego who was so in love with you.”