I jerked my gaze that way and watched her smile back at him in return. Something in her gaze, however, when she looked at him tipped me off to a startling revelation.

They looked way too cozy together.

I pointed at them before I could stop myself, saying, “What the hell? What was that?”

Nash and Kaitlynn turned to me as one and blinked out their guilt before Ezra cleared his throat and said, “What was what?”

“You two. What was that look you shared?” I stepped toward them, squinting out my suspicions. Oh yeah. They were definitely attracted to each other. “Are you dating? I didn’t even know you knew each other.” I turned to Brick. “Are they dating?”

Brick snorted. “No.”

“Holy shit,” I cried. “They are?”

This was bad. This was very, very bad. Kaitlynn absolutely could not date Nash.

But Brick tried to cover for her. “No,” he insisted. “I just told you they weren’t.”

“And I just told you, I can tell when you lie, you idiot.” Forgetting him, I turned to the other two and tried to reason with them. “Are you insane?”

Okay, so maybe my reasoning skills needed some work.

“You realize how dangerous this is, don’t you?” I focused on Kaitlynn. “Lana wants him for herself. She won’t let you get away with trying to take him.”

“Hey, can we stop talking about me like I’m some kind of possession?” Nash huffed moodily, while Kaitlynn grinned and pointed teasingly at him.

“See, I told you she had the hots for you,” she exclaimed gleefully. “Even Hayden sees it.”

“Of course I can see it,” I boomed. “Everyone can see it.”

“I don’t see it,” Ezra mumbled under his breath.

Dear Lord. I couldn’t take any more of this.

I pointed at him. “This thing with you and Kaitlynn stops right now.”

Nash arched defiant eyebrows. “Did you just give me an order, Carmichael?”

At least he recognized an order when he heard one. “If you insist on putting my stepsister in such a dangerous position, then hell yes, I am.”

But the lovestruck idiot just frowned. “Why does everyone seem so convinced a relationship between Kaitlynn and me would spark the wrath of Lana? Even if it did upset her, what the hell can she really do to us?”

What the hell could she do to them? What the hell could she do?

I laughed, literally laughed in my boss’s face.

Then I sobered and shook my head. “Let me give you a little rundown on Lana Price-Carmichael-Judge and her past relationships with men.” Flipping up my index finger, I got started. “First guy she ever fell in love with didn’t want her back, so what did she do to him? She married his father, ruined the relationship between the two, and made it so the son was completely cut out of his dad’s life and will. Which brings us to the father, also known as husband number one.”

Which would be Brick’s and my sperm donor: Charles Godrick Carmichael.

I held up a second finger. “What happened to him? Well, he’s dead.”

The other three in the room seemed to go tense and still, so I lifted yet another finger.

“The next guy she got involved with ended up being married already, but we can’t ask him how his relationship with Lana ended because both he and his wife are still missing. Twenty years later. So Lana moved on to husband number two.”

When the fourth finger lifted slowly, I caught Kaitlynn’s gaze. She gulped and stared back, looking suddenly lost because she knew who I was talking about.
