A second later, Brick nudged my leg. “Hey. Did you bring anything to eat?”

“Nope.” I had a Snickers stashed in my pocket for later.

“Damn,” he breathed under his breath.

“Language,” I sang as I powered up with a mushroom.

I could feel my brother roll his eyes next to me.

A minute passed.

Brick sighed.

He shifted restlessly.

He plopped his hands into his lap.

“How long do you think she’s going to be?”

“A while,” was my guess.

“Damn,” he said again.


thoughts exactly. Five minutes later, Brick had prowled around the bench and returned to me twice, both times when someone had tried to talk to him in a language neither of us understood.

“Hey, want to share your Game Boy?” he asked. “Take turns on it?”

I sent him a get-real glance. “No.”

“Come on. Please.”

Brick had said please. Shocking, but not shocking enough to convince me.

“They have, like, car races or something here, right? You think we could go watch a race while we wait?”

“No.” First of all, I didn’t know this city. I wasn’t about to go wandering around it with no one but my little brother, and besides, they weren’t having any races today. I’d already checked.

When I told my brother so, he plopped back down beside me and mumbled a depressed, “Oh.”

Ten minutes later, he’d driven me crazy enough that I handed over my Game Boy just to shut him up.

Too soon after that, its battery died.

We both glanced toward the opening of the shopping center, watching people leave and enter.

“Maybe she forgot about us,” Brick finally said.

I huffed impatiently and rolled my eyes. “How could she forget about us? We’re her sons.”

Brick shrugged.

More time passed. Both Brick and I had gotten up from the bench by this point and stretched our legs, though neither of us had strayed far from our meeting spot.

Brick slumped down next to me after one short stroll. His stomach growled. He looked absolutely miserable.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled my Snickers bar from my pocket. After unwrapping it and breaking it in two, I handed him the bigger portion. “Here.”