“Is she pregnant, or does she just need a green card?”

Gabby’s incredulous gaze shifted to Lana. “Excuse me?”

But I merely sighed, used to my mother. “Well, there went your invitation to the nuptials.”

“I’m heartbroken.” Lana transferred her glower from Gabby to me. “So, stop being an asshole and tell me what’s really going on here?”

“Asshole.” I snapped my fingers and turned to Gabby to point at her. “Now, that’s what people typically call me.”

She merely blinked at me, speechless.

I returned my attention to Lana. “You might not have noticed, because why would you care what I was wearing, but I happen to be dressed up too. I was on my way to the Halloween celebration at work, in fact. You remember that little shindig, right? The one you tried to sabotage and get canceled, but failed? Anyway, this stunning creature…” I opened my hand to put Gabby once again on display. “…is my date for the evening, and she needed something to wear that matches my costume. I figured you might have a dress or two to spare from that limitless closet of yours. But you weren’t home to ask, so we helped ourselves to your things. Not that the dress she picked is technically yours, though. Is it?” I lifted a censorious eyebrow. “Last time I saw that little number, it was property of JFI.” Pissed to learn that my own creation had ended up with her, I snarled, “Which is so interesting to me. Do you steal every prototype gown the company designs? Tsk, tsk. I wonder what Nash would think of that.”

“JFI is mine,” Lana bit out from between clenched teeth as she glared. “Not his. So every article of clothing made by the company belongs to me, and I don’t want her wearing my things.” Pointing at Gabby, she snarled, “Take it off.”

Eyes widening, Gabby clutched herself. “Right here?”

“Yes. Please,” I answered, grinning at her lasciviously.

After sending me an impatient glower, she turned to Lana. “I was just trying it on. My street clothes are—” She seemed to think about that a moment before glancing down at the bag in her arms. Then she lifted it. “They’re in here. I’ll just—I’ll go change back into them right now. Right away.”

“You do that,” Lana said, her eyes narrowed threateningly. Then she snapped her fingers and pointed at me. “And, you. Go with her. Don’t take your eyes off her. I don’t trust that whore anywhere alone in my apartment.”

“Easy,” I warned, sending her a hard stare. “You might want to watch how you address the mother of your future grandchildren.”

Next to me, Gabby choked out a sound of surprise.

Lana’s jaw bunched. “I do wish you’d stop joking like that.”

“But I’m having so much fun watching your face turn purple and swell with horrified indignation whenever I—”

“Come on,” Grabby growled, grabbing my arm and yanking me along behind her, forcing me to stop sparring with Lana.

Being led by her was incredibly erotic. Especially when she seemed pissed.

I couldn’t help but follow wherever she led.

Chapter 7


I dragged the nameless man down the hall and away from that wicked witch of a woman before I tugged him into her bedroom.

“Holy shit!” I hissed, finally glancing back at him. “Future grandchildren? Are you saying that racist thing is your mother?”

He stepped up beside me and sent me an annoyed glance. “Not by choice, I assure you.”

“Wow.” I shook my head as I let go of his hand in order to hurry on toward the bathroom. “I mean, just wow. No wonder why I thought you were the devil. You’re Satan’s spawn.”

“Hmm. Original,” he murmured as he kept pace beside me, only to lift a finger in question. “Uh, where exactly are we going?”

“Shh.” I sent him a killer glare. “I left my clothes in her closet.”

“Well, well.” Stalling in the doorway of the closet as I entered so he could lean against the doorjamb, he eyed my hoodie and pants on the floor in the middle of the room with smug amusement. “Look who’s a little liar, after all.”

“Shut up,” I muttered, scowling at him. “I didn’t lie to you. Now turn your back so I can change.”

“Sorry.” Folding his arms stubbornly across his chest, he tossed me a mischievous grin. “But my mommy said not to take my eyes off you. You don’t want me to be a disobedient son, now do you?”