Son of a bitch. If he’d faked his death, what else had he faked?

My stepfather’s last will and testament, no doubt.

Lana was behind this, I was certain of it. I just had to find proof: either the true, legitimate will Arthur had made or a trail from the payoff money Lana had given Fin Tin to make him leave town and disappear forever. No way was she an innocent party in all this. And I was going to find the evidence I needed to expose her. Tonight.

But first, I need to make an appearance at this damn office party. I would’ve rather skipped it altogether, but Nash had gone to extreme lengths to arrange it for his employees, so Lana had made an even bigger production of trying to sabotage his hard work and get the entire event canceled—because I swear she had the hots for the much younger Nash and he did not return the sentiment, so she therefore felt the need to punish him for every breath he breathed.

If I didn’t at least pop by the party, I’d show everyone at JFI that I backed Lana. And while I wanted her to think I did, over my dead body did I want everyone else to think it, too, so here I was to demonstrate to my department that I was most definitely one of the good guys and held my allegiance to the good CEO of the company.

With an annoyed sigh and my teeth gritted in irritation, I stepped into the room, only to nearly collide with my brother.

We both pulled up short, only for each of us to pause and scowl at the other’s costume.

“You knew this was a costume party, right?” Brick said dryly as he glanced at my tux. “Not the prom.”

I scowled back. “I am in costume.” Rolling my shoulders uncomfortably inside my stiff black jacket, I fiddled with my bow tie yet again. “I’m supposed to be Prince Charming.”

“No,” Brick snorted. “I’m Prince Charming.”

He’d taken his role seriously too and gone all out, spiffing himself up as Prince Charming from the Cinderella movie, with the red pants, white top and gold adornments.

But me being me, I had to scan my gaze over his costume with mild derision before I answered, “Hmm. I like mine better.”

I flickered my gaze to his date next to him, meaning to give her the same condescending look, only to pull up short in confusion. The woman was dressed as a yellow Power Ranger, concealing her face with a matching mask and everything. Huh. I would’ve thought a woman Brick chose to go anywhere with would wear something skimpier for a Halloween costume. I might’ve actually just grown a little respect for my baby brother. He’d chosen someone who didn’t feel as if she had to reveal all. That was different. Surprising. And a bit refreshing. I sent his date a polite nod before stepping past the two of them and heading toward the buffet line.

All the while, I wondered how long I should stick around and make sure I was seen before I could escape and do what I’d really come here tonight to do.

I went straight to the fruit and plucked a couple grapes before stealing a strawberry and then a watermelon ball. When I skimmed my gaze down toward the sweets, my eyes lit on the last chocolate chip cookie there. Intent to claim it as my own, I started that way, keeping my attention focused on it. I didn’t realize someone else had it in their sights as well until I reached out and my hand collided with a yellow glove.

“Oh!” a feminine voice exclaimed. Simultaneously, we pulled back. I looked up, only to groan under my breath when I found Brick’s Power Ranger standing on the other side of the table. Shit. Now I had to be a gentleman and let her have the damn cookie.

Pulling my hand back even further, I cleared my throat. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

She stood frozen a moment, staring at me, the cookie clutched in both her hands until suddenly she thrust it forward, silently offering it to me.

Not expecting that, I blinked a moment before shaking my head and waving a hand. “Oh! No, that’s okay. You had it first.”

When she insisted and continued to hold the cookie out to me, shit started growing tight and unpleasant in my chest. Dammit, this was awkward. I was too used to Lana’s world: ulterior motives, catty remarks, backward compliments, superior glances, basic selfishness. Genuinely nice, giving people always made me feel so damn uncomfortable.

And I did want the cookie, so I said, “You’re sure?”

When she nodded enthusiastically, I took the snack and bit into it slowly, closing my eyes before letting out a small moan.

God, chocolate chip was seriously the best. It reminded me of a time years ago when Arthur and Kaitlynn had first come into our lives. Eight-year-old Kaitlynn had found her mother’s cookie recipe and decided to learn how to make them. Every day, she’d try and try again but was always disappointed because she swore they were never quite like her mother’s, even though I thought every batch was pretty damn good myself.

Across the table, the Power Ranger gave a little bounce and clapped her hands up near her breastbone area, seemingly pleased that I liked the cookie.

I chuckled a little in spite of myself, even as a sneaking suspicion began to spark in my head.

I swear, I’d seen Kaitlynn do that very clap before. Crinkling my brow, I ran my gaze over her. The height and figure definitely fit hers.

“You seem nice,” I mused aloud, before frowning. “So what’re you doing here with my brother?”

She laughed—Kaitlynn’s laugh—and shrugged before twirling her finger in a circle by her ear with the sign for crazy.

I smiled and nodded. Oh yeah, this had to be Kaitlynn. She was refusing to talk so I wouldn’t hear her voice. I’m not quite sure why she didn’t want me to know it was her, maybe she was embarrassed about coming with Brick—understandable—or maybe she was testing me, seeing how I treated her when I wasn’t supposed to know it was her.

She and I weren’t exactly close. I couldn’t remember the last time we’d actually talked to each other. She probably thought I couldn’t stand her. But I had to keep up the act. If Lana thought I had any regard for Kaitlynn, she’d stop letting me in on her evil plans concerning her stepdaughter.