“You got this,” I encouraged her, tempted to tell her how awesome married life was. I had enjoyed my one day of it, anyway.

Camille was having none of my resistance though. “Oh, don’t even think about getting out of this.” She reached out and caught my wrist before I could escape. A second later, I was smashed against someone’s boob and someone else’s arm.

“Oh Lord,” I whimpered, just waiting for it to end.

The other three started to laugh, and when I realized it was at my uncomfortable expense, I yanked free of all of them, mumbling, “Not funny.”

Only Miguel, and Hayden, and sometimes Papá were allowed to get so touchy-feely with me.

Camille shook her head, still amused. “I can’t wait until some guy you actually like and accept comes along and totally shatters your personal space. That’s going to be a hoot to watch.”

I sent her a startled glance, wondering what she knew, only to realize she was just randomly teasing.

Except I think my expression gave me away because Kaitlynn squinted at me, murmuring, “Or maybe someone already has.”

Damn. It was time to spill my story, I guess.

“Oh my God!” Camille shrieked, taking in my guilty mien. “Someone has! Gabs! Why haven’t you said anything? Who? How? I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on us. You know I love a good romance. What the hell, woman?”

I winced at her in apology only to turn to Kaitlynn and immediately wring my hands. “I was about to tell you and Camille everything a few months ago, but then we got interrupted by Isobel’s brother, and—and well, I was waiting for him to say something, but I swear it’s easier to crack open a can of tuna with your bare hands than get that close-lipped bastard to talk about shit.”

“Um.” Kaitlynn

furrowed her brow and shook her head. “Sorry, but I’m totally confused right now.”

Camille nodded. “Yeah, so am I.”

“Who is this him you’re referring to?” Isobel asked.

I gripped my face between two hands and blew out a long breath. Here went nothing.

“I should start from the beginning,” I said, focusing on my stepsister-in-law. “The beginning that involves you, Kaitlynn.”

“Me?” She pulled back in surprise and pressed a hand against her chest.

“Yes, you,” I said. “There is so much you don’t know. So much he never told you. But you were never alone. I thought you should know that. He was always watching over you, making sure you made it through to the next day, like, I don’t know, some secret ninja fairy godmother, or something. After your dad died, he never would’ve let anything disastrous happen to you.”

“He who?” Kaitlynn asked, shaking her head with confused surprise. “What in the world are you talking about, Gabby?”

“Well…” I drew in a deep breath and began from the onset of my tale. “It all started the night I kind of, sort of broke into someone’s apartment.”

And ended with me meeting the love of my life.

Who knew participating in a little B & E could bring about one’s happily ever after?

I certainly hadn’t had a clue.

Hansel and Gretel – B & E EVER AFTER

Once upon a time, there were two children named Hansel [Hayden] and Gretel [Brick].

Their stepmother was very cruel.

She took them deep into the forest [a foreign country] and left them there.

But clever Hansel [Brick] had some breadcrumbs [Skittles] in his pocket [backpack] and had [accidentally] dropped them on the path so they could find their way back home [to their villa].

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