But a small group of guys passing in front of my ride glanced curiously through the front windshield at me, and they all looked like total assholes who would hit on Reese relentlessly, so I took a deep breath and exited the vehicle.

My gaze went straight to the corner of the room as soon as I crossed the threshold of the Mercer house. No one was making out there, so my heart rate settled a smidgeon, only to lurch again when I noticed that everyone was staring and leaning in to talk in hushed tones, probably about me. Even Alec Worthington seemed shocked that I’d just walked through the doorway. He said something to his pals as he watched me, making them laugh.

Great. I was the laughing stock. Always nice to be.

I didn’t spot Reese or even Eva so I dodged toward the first entrance I saw that led me into another room. When the same thing happened there, I just kept wandering, trying to act as if I knew what I was doing and where I was going. My hopes fell every time I didn’t find Reese anywhere. What if she hadn’t even come, and I’d attended this stupid, rich-kid party for nothing?

That’s it. As soon as I found an exit, I was out of here.

Entering a quieter back hall, I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to be free of all the gawkers and whisperers. I’d just spotted a door that looked as if it led outside when I heard her voice.

“Why is he at one of your parties then?” Reese was asking as I turned to see her huddling near the other end of the corridor with Eva.

I was so glad to see her I could’ve hugged her.

But instead of hurrying forward, I slowed to a stop and lifted my eyebrows with interest. She wore a dark blue romper thing, with her waist cinched with a wide sparkly silver belt and the shorts on the bottom part extra short, making her legs look incredibly long and incredibly tan. My mouth went dry, and my heart thudded hard against the inside of my chest. Damn, she looked good.

As I approached from behind, Eva answered, “Because anyone who’s anyone comes to my parties. They are the bomb, baby.”

“Unfortunately, she’s right,” I said by way of announcing my presence. “Mercer does know how to throw a hell of a party.”

This might’ve been the first one I’d actually attended, but I’d heard the rumors after working at the Country Club. And from the sound of it, they were pretty wild.

Both ladies jumped before looking up at me, and then I was the one who got the surprise when I saw they each bore nose rings. Neither of them had worn nose rings the last time I’d seen them.

It was dangerous how sexy and sassy Reese looked with one.

“Mason,” Eva hissed, her eyes narrowing. “What a surprise. I rarely see you at these. And I don’t recall inviting you to this one, either.”

“No,” I agreed, smirking at her cheekily. “But your boyfriend did.”

“Hmm,” Eva muttered bitterly, “I’ll be having a few words with him about that. Trust me.”

“Okay, hold up,” Reese broke in, lifting a hand. “I don’t get this. Mason didn’t take advantage of you when you were drunk, and you don’t want him here. Yet that Ty guy I just met cheated on you twice, and you hugged him in welcome. That makes no sense.”

Seemingly confused by the question, Mercer shook her head slightly. “ReeRee,” she said in a placating tone, “Ty is the son of a judge. This…person…”—she motioned to me with a disregarding sniff—“is nothing but a holier-than-thou male prostitute.”

The insult hit home hard, so I chased it with a sneer. “A prostitute who turned you down,” I mocked. “Pride stung much?”

She glared at me. “You are such a smug—”

“Bastard,” I finished for her, my voice pleasant. “Yeah, I remember.”

“You don’t belong here.” She balled her hands into fists, damn near vibrating with fury. “How dare you crash my party? You’re a nobody from nowhere who—”

“Hey!” Reese stepped in front of me and faced off with her friend. “Back off. You invited everyone and their dog tonight. Stop being such a stuck-up snob. I want Mason to stay. He’s fun to talk to.”

My little defender.

This was one of the reasons why I always wanted to be around her, even though I knew I’d never be good enough for someone as pure, and sweet, and innocent as her.

Eva scrutinized her a moment. The two girls were such opposites with their personalities, it made me wonder why they were even friends. Taking hold of Reese’s arm, Eva leaned in and said, “Remember what I told you, ReeRee,” even as her gaze rose to me, “don’t do it.”

The challenge in her gaze told me that line was definitely in reference to me. I watched her as she pulled back and turned away, strolling down the hall in order to leave me alone with Reese.

“Don’t do what?” I had to ask.

Reese whirled to me, her eyes wide with guilt. Then she cleared her throat quietly and mellowed her expression before saying, “I think she’s worried I’ll follow in her footsteps and try to throw myself at you like she did.” She added a shrug as if it were no big deal, which made me think there was a lot more to the story than that.