“Well, it’s because I at least try to make myself feel as if we’re on some kind of even playing field, even though I know that’s not possible. You’re way up in status awesome, and I’m down in—”

Sliding his hand into my hair, he cupped the back of my head and angled my face up to meet his mouth when he swooped in for a kiss. Our lips crashed into each other, and heat ignited inside me.

I opened for him, needing more, and his tongue slid against mine, strongly enough that I swore I could feel him licking between my legs.

It was so wonderful, in fact, that it scared the shit out of me. It just figured he’d excel at kissing, too, just like he did everything else.

I pushed him back. He let me go without resistance, his gaze hooded with desire and his dark hair mussed sexily. Damn, he was beautiful.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, trying to blink the lust from his eyes so he could examine me with concern.

I shook my head, my body going into distress because this felt big and way more overwhelming than I could handle. “You… But you’re still in love with Sonya,” I blurted, since it was the first thing to come to my mind.

He snorted. “The fuck if I am. She was right when she said I didn’t love her enough in the first place. Because I didn’t fly off the handle when she cheated on me. Why didn’t I do that? Any guy who really loved his woman should’ve been more enraged than I was. Hell, I got more upset tonight when I thought you wanted Luke. I wanted to hurt him; I wanted to really fucking hurt my own brother. Which means…” His eyes softened as they looked into mine. Then he lifted his hand to trace his fingers over my face. “It’s you,” he murmured as if in awe. “It’s always been you. Why did I never see that before?”

My mouth fell open. I had no idea what to say in response, wasn’t even sure I knew what was happening here. The night had taken a turn I’d never expected, but…but it was a turn I liked.

“JB?” I whispered in uncertainty.

With a tender smile, he pressed his forward to mine. “You are on my level, Teagan Marie. And I’m going to prove it to you.”

He kissed me again, his lips claiming and showing me what we already had together. Groaning, I crawled up into his lap and he wrapped the sleeping bag more firmly around us until we were cocooned inside it.

“So, just to make sure…” He broke away long enough to ask, his voice rasping against my skin as he ran his nose up my throat. “You’re not still planning on experimenting like this with Luke, right?”

I punched him lightly in the shoulder blade. “Don’t be a dumbass.”

“Damn.” His lips twitched up into a grin. “Why does it suddenly sound incredibly hot when you call me that?”

I smiled and skimmed my fingers up his bare chest. “Because you know it means you’re going to have your hands full with me.”

“Am I?” Physically cupping my hips in his hands, he positioned me until I was straddling his erection. We both sighed in unison, and I began to ride him through our clothes, undulating my hips into a sweet, seductive rhythm. Then, he groaned and added, “Good. I don’t think I’d like them full with anyone else.”

My head fell back, my hair spilling down my spine when he slid both his hands under my shirt and up until he was cupping my braless breasts.

“Oh, God, I want to feel you inside me,” I rasped.

“Teagan,” he groaned, pressing his forehead to mine. “What the hell is happening here?” Unceasing as he massaged my breasts and skimmed his mouth down my cheek, he shifted up his hips to grind against my core harder. Then he looked into my eyes. “What does this mean?”

I could only grin. “I think it means our moms are going to keep debating about a fall or Christmas wedding for quite a while to come.”

He chuckled. “What the fuck do they have against spring weddings?”

“I do like the flowers in spring,” I admitted.

He smiled at me before capturing my mouth once again in a kiss I felt all the way to my toes.

God, I loved his mouth. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my fingers in his hair, giving him everything I had. With a growl, he accepted it, giving back just as heartily as he took.

“Okay, we’ve come to a decision,” my dad announced, striding back into the clearing. “You two can date as long as you—what the fuck?!”

He jerked to a halt when JB and I didn’t immediately leap apart, only stopped kissing to glance his way. All bundled into the sleeping bag as we were, he could basically only see our heads, but it was pretty obviously we were wrapped up in each other’s arms and I was on JB’s lap facing him.

When the other parents appeared behind Dad, falling to their own surprised halts, JB merely tugged me closer. So I set my cheek on his shoulder and grinned ruefully at everyone else.

“As long as you guys can accept the fact that we’re going to start dating no matter what,” JB announced. “Then you all can come to any conclusion you like.”

And with that, he kissed me some more.