My mouth fell open as I spun toward Ethan. But the cowardly little prick refused to meet my gaze.

I guess he hadn’t been happy when Reese had canceled their date.

Unbelievable. I couldn’t believe I’d actually been willing to stand aside so Reese and this butt licker could be together. And I’d tried to help him deal with his mom too. What a lousy, deceptive motherfucker.

“We’re not fighting over her.”

He finally looked up, and I smirked, letting him know I was fully aware what Reese had done—which to him must’ve meant I’d won.

His eyes widened with crazed vengeance right before he snarled, “Then why did you key my car?”

“I didn’t even know what the fuck you drove until I just saw a picture of your ride, asshole.”

“Hey! Watch how you talk to him.” His dad pointed at me, his gaze stern with warning. He glanced at Tyler. “Look at how disrespectful this piece of shit is to his betters. Are you honestly going to allow this kind of uncouth behavior?”

My eyebrows rose at the word betters. I turned to Tyler as well, curious how he was going to respond.

Wincing, he scratched the back of his neck, clearly not wanting to get involved. But then he sent me a regretful look. “I can’t say I’m happy to hear this, Mason.”

“Neither am I,” I growled, narrowing my eyes on my accusers. “Since it’s a lie.”

“Who do you think you’re calling a liar?” Mr. Riker stepped toward me, his face flaming an angry red. “I ought to teach you a lesson on how to treat your—”

“Whoa, whoa.” Tyler lifted his hands and stepped between us. “It’s okay, sir. I’ll take care of my employee.”

“I want him fired,” Riker demanded even as Tyler shooed him and Ethan both out of the office.

“I know, I know,” Tyler murmured obligingly as he ushered them into the hall. “And I promise to take the appropriate action.” Then he glanced at me and shut the door, muttering, “Dammit.”

I narrowed my eyes as dread pooled in my gut. But what the hell did he mean by appropriate action? He wouldn’t really fire me, would he?

“Ty?” I asked.

He squeezed the bridge of his nose and muttered, “Christ, kid. What am I supposed to do? You’re a good employee: hardworking, prompt, and dependable. You rarely call in sick and you’re always willing to work late. The customers like you, your coworkers like you, I like you. You’re the model valet, and I’d hate to lose you, but dammit…” He hissed out a harassed sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t let this go unpunished.”

“Yes, you can,” I spat. “Because I didn’t do it. You at least believe me, don’t you? I didn’t see him come through the valet at all. Ask Landon or Marley. And besides, I don’t do underhanded shit like that.”

Tyler sighed again. “Yeah, yeah. You’re not the type to do this. But what’s the story with the girl?”

“She’s my friend,” I admitted. “He asked her out, she said okay, but then today she reneged. He probably thought I’d influenced her into backing out, and he wanted revenge on me. I don’t know. That’s all I can think this must be about. He probably keyed his own car, knowing he could afford to fix it, just to get back at me.”

“Hmm. Maybe,” he allowed with a knowing nod. “The kid did seem like the type to do just that.” He rolled his eyes before slicing a glance my way. “Did you influence her, though?”

“No,” I started adamantly, only to pause and lift one shoulder. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

Tyler smirked. “Good.” He glanced toward the door as if worried the Rikers were listening in on us before he more quietly added, “That douche seems like a total pansy. He needs to hear no every once in a while. Spoiled rich prick.”

I grinned suddenly. “True that.”

We shared a smile, until he cursed and ran his hand through his hair yet again, sending one more scowl toward the closed door. “This doesn’t mean I can let you off the hook though. I’m sorry, kid, but we have a customer’s always right policy. I know you don’t deserve it, but I’m going to have to reprimand you to make them happy.”

Gulping, I met his solemn stare. Dammit. “Are you firing me right now?”

What the hell was I going to do if I was fired? This was currently my only source of income. And I refused to return to the other source. I had some money saved, but I was afraid to dip into it, even though I’d probably have to until I found more work somewhere else. Sarah’s medical bills alone were in the three to four digits every month.

My skin went cold and my palms began to sweat.

“What? No!” Tyler answered, making me blow out a huge breath. No firing. Thank God. “Hell, no,” he added. “But I’m going to have to at least suspend you for a week with no pay and send you home for the rest of the evening.”