Feeling suddenly awkward, I thrust a book her way. “Anyway...here. I think I can officially say I’m addicted to Harry Potter. Sarah and I couldn’t wait to borrow The Goblet of Fire. We bought our own copy and started it yesterday.”

Reese’s gaze fell to the book, then back up to me. Suddenly, she cleared her throat. “Wow,” she said, her voice cracking slightly. She swiped at her cheeks as if to dispel tears and then took The Prisoner of Azkaban back. “You and Sarah are just cruising through the series. I’m impressed.”

“That going-back-in-time scene was really cool,” I tried, hoping to bring back her smile somehow. “I couldn’t put it down.”

And there, yes, she smiled and hugged the book to her chest. “It was always one of my favorites too. Especially when they saved Buckbeak.”

“I ended up reading it twice,” I admitted. “Once when I read ahead, and then again when Sarah wanted me to read it with her. Which reminds me…”

I stood and retrieved the trinket I’d been carrying around all week to give to her.

Reese frowned in curiosity and straightened, trying to see what I was holding. “What do you have there?”

I just smiled. “Something for you. I had it made. This guy I know takes an advanced metal crafting class and put it together.”

She sat back, her eyes wide with shock. “You did what?”

I handed it over, feeling suddenly bashful. “I know it’s pretty crude, but I thought it might fit on your charm bracelet.”

She focused on the silver charm in my palm and gasped. It was a small lightning bolt with Harry Potter’s HP logo on it.

“Oh my God.” She accepted it slowly, worshipfully. “This is amazing, Mason.”

“I had one made for Sarah too,” I told her. “Yours was actually the prototype. So I think it might contain a few more mistakes.”

“What mistakes?” she demanded, hooking it to her charm bracelet. “It’s flawless.” Then she held up her arm to show it off. A swell of pride filled me. I liked seeing her wear something I’d given her. “Thank you.”

I opened my mouth to say… Hell, I don’t even know. I just knew this was a big moment and I didn’t want to screw it up. I needed to say something awesome and important.

Except I didn’t get the chance. I was interrupted by a shadow that fell over our table and a voice that said, “Hey.”

Reese and I looked up at the same time, and I was completely boggled to find Ethan Riker standing there, smiling.

Yes, I said he was smiling as if he hadn’t accosted me in the dark last night, pushed me three times, accused me of his mom’s near-death, and then threatened revenge against me.

The worst part was that he wasn’t even smiling at me. His grin was all for Reese.

As she met his gaze, she immediately started to stutter. “Umm. Hi…Ethan. I…I’m not used to seeing you

on a Friday.”

Holy shit. Was she blushing?

Why the hell was she blushing?

At Riker?

And how the hell did they even know each other?

In return, he let out a small, perceptive laugh as if he knew the power of his appeal. “I know,” he said conversationally. “But I saw you over here and thought I’d say hi.” Then he finally glanced my way. “Hey, Mason.” Giving a friendly wave, he seemed nothing but congenial and courteous.


“Riker,” I damn near growled, trying to figure out why he was standing there, smiling as if the night before had never happened? And why the hell was he talking to Reese? Like he knew her?

“Oh!” Reese blurted out her surprise. “You two know already each other? Great.” Only she didn’t sound as if she thought it was great. She sounded more like she’d just gotten caught doing something wrong. “That saves me from making introductions because obviously… I forgot to make introductions.”

A nervous laugh bubbled from her, and Riker smiled as if amused. I just gaped at her, wondering, seriously, what the fuck was happening?