I stepped inside.

The space was snug, real snug, which was probably why it smelled so strongly of her. Her scent was literally trapped in this place. Not much more than a small bed, dresser, and miniature bookshelf adorned it. We’d have to get close in here. We’d have to stay close.

I went rock-solid hard.

No one knew I was here. Not Monica, not Patricia. No one would make a case of it. No one would know anything we did.

Watching Reese’s lines bloom into delicious curves as she bent down to fetch the second Harry Potter book for me, I played with the idea in my head.

Just one night. What could it hurt? One night to live out my ultimate fantasy of being with Reese.

It would be wrong. So fucking wrong.

But it’d be worth it to finally taste her. To take her.

She straightened and turned back to me, not expecting me to be there.

“Oh!” she gasped, skidding to a halt before bumping into me. “There you are.”

She looked scared and intimidated, but also about as turned on as I felt.

“Do you… I mean…” Her hands began to shake around the book she clutched. Her timid gaze lifted to me. In them, I saw question, hesitation, but also yearning. “You can take the entire series now if you’d like. That way you won’t have to wait between each book until I can get the next one to you.”

“I don’t mind waiting,” I said, staring straight into her eyes. “In fact, I like building up the anticipation.”

She caught her breath and shuddered. When her gaze moved to my mouth, my cock pulsed greedily.

I studied her, debating my next move.

Could I really do this? Throw caution to the wind and have her? Right here? Right now?

Oh, hell, yes. Of course, I could. But should I?

Absolutely not.

So… Would I?

God, I didn’t know. I guess it would be up to her. If she gave me the slightest signal to proceed, I’d crumble like a stack of cards and be on her so fast both our heads would spin. But what would she do if I pressed the situation?

I shouldn’t find out. I really, really shouldn’t. I was the kind of person that should go nowhere near a sweet, innocent girl like Reese Randall.

Feeling like the dirty, predatory wolf I knew I was, I turned away, trying to cool myself down, and in doing so, I focused on all the lotion bottles and other cosmetics she kept scattered on her dresser top.

Idly, I opened one and sniffed, mostly for something to do to distract myself from how much I wanted her, but as soon as I did, I almost groaned and my eyes nearly crossed from the pleasure, because damn… The origin of Reese’s scent was sitting in my hand.

“You wore this Friday,” I said, glancing at her… And Thursday, and Wednesday, and Tuesday, as well as right now.

She nodded silently, just watching me.

I read the label. “Sweet pea.” An affectionate grin lit my face. “So fitting.”

As if watching me hold her lotion was more than she could take, she slipped the container from my hand and returned it to its place. “I was thinking of getting a bottle for Sarah. Do you think she’d like this fragrance?”

“Don’t you dare,” I said before I could check myself. When she frowned slightly, I explained, “This is your scent. It would be too weird to smell on my little sister.” Especially since it gave me a hard-on every time I got a whiff of it. Smelling it meant Reese was near.

“I guess I could get her some cucumber melon then. Or warm vanil—”

When she began to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, I caught her hand, startling her quiet. “If your hair getting in your face bothers you that much, why don’t you ever tie it back?”