Since my clients always got their way, I mentally shrugged before closing my eyes.

I could feel her step closer, and my muscles tensed in apprehension. Yet all she did was murmur, “Now… Don’t think of these as my hands on you, but hers.”

When she touched me this time, it didn’t feel quite so vile. It didn’t creep me out.

Telling myself this was Glowing Girl with her silky straight, dark hair, bright blue, curious eyes, and exuberant, lively laugh, a thrill of need raced through me. Her fingers moved under my shirt and up my chest. Her thumbs rasped over my flat nipples, making them harden. Nails bit into the flesh at the tops of my shoulders. Her breath fell on my throat, just under my ear.

I released a breathless groan.

“You like her touching you, don’t you?”

I swayed toward Reese, wanting more. “Yes.”


Reese kept touching me, the occasional scrape of her nails causing my blood to heat.

“Is she making your mouth water, your heart race? What about your pecker?” A hand moved between my legs and clutched me through my khakis, making me hiss. “Just how much do you want to pound this huge, hungry cock inside her? Bury it as deep as it will go? Are you desperate for it? Mindless? Wild with the need to show her how much you want to fuck her?”

God, yes.

I surged forward without knowing I was even going to. Reese gasped in surprise—but a delighted kind of surprise. I gripped her waist and picked her up, carrying her to the bed where I tossed her down.

Before I could crawl on top of her though, I focused on her face, and my client—not Reese—blinked up at me in shock.

Oh, damn. What was wrong with me? I didn’t treat clients like this, not unless I was sure that was what they wanted.

But she’d had me so far gone into this little role-play that I hadn’t even seen a client for a moment there. She had been Glowing Girl and she’d unleashed a fervor in me that had derailed out of control.

“Eyes. Closed,” the client commanded.

I obeyed, but she had to start over again, telling me to imagine that the hands coasting up the front of my thighs were Reese’s. It began to work. When she unzipped me and bare fingers wrapped around my length, I was sucked back into the game.

I crawled on top of her and pretty much attacked her, kissing, biting, licking, and repeating all the things that made her gasp and moan with pleasure.

When she clutched my hair and arched under me, pressing up against me, I growled and peeled off her nightgown, frantic to get my hands on all of her. With her nipple in my mouth and my hands gripping her ass, this was no longer a business transaction. It had become my fantasy.

This was Reese, and she wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

In a rush to consume her before I lost my chance, I shimmied the rest of the way out of my own clothes and was sitting up on my knees between her thighs, rolling on a condom, before reality intruded once more.

Just as I secured the latex into place, I looked down at the woman spread open on the bed before me, wetness glistening from between her legs and her breasts heaving from how much the foreplay had worked her up.

But she wasn’t Reese.

Fuck! What the hell was I doing?

I’d actually been eager to get inside her. A sudden chill of self-revulsion passed through me. I didn’t really want this woman. I didn’t even know her. It felt wrong to use her and think of someone else as I took her.

Besides, she’d requested compassion and wanted to know what it felt like to be loved and cherished. Shouldn’t that involve slow touches, long, drawn-out licks, the savoring of each stage? Not frantic, mindless rutting like I’d been doing?

I shook my head, failing as I tried to get myself back in the game.

She caught onto my attempts. Her eyes flared with panic as she reached for me. “No. Don’t stop. Keep going, baby. You were doing perfectly.”

Except I couldn’t keep going as I had been. She wasn’t Reese, and I didn’t want her like that, couldn’t fake it anymore. The frenzy inside me had cooled.

“Dammit,” she muttered, sitting up. “You’re backsliding.”