“Sure.” Why was she staring at me as if I’d just said something amazing? “I’ve been eyeing that place a few blocks down from here. Gusano’s, or whatever it’s called.”

“Gusano’s?” she said slowly and I could see the hesitation in her eyes.

I cocked an eyebrow. “What? Do you not like pizza? We can try somewhere else.”

“No, it’s not that,” she quickly reassured, only to laugh at herself. “I mean, I do like pizza. We usually order it delivered from the convenience store on the corner, though. I just…I really don’t go down that way often. Toward Gusano’s.”

“You don’t?” I frowned because it seemed like a nice enough neighborhood to me. “Why not?”

“No reason,” she said quickly. “You’re right, let’s do this. I’ll just change into something presentable and—”

When she stood from the couch and started to move away toward the hallway, I caught her hand. “There’s no need. You look great.” And she did. A snug cotton top with an ESU Viking on it and black yoga pants that never looked so good on anyone else before.

“Colton…” she whined, tugging on her hand to break free.

“Julianna,” I returned, arching my eyebrows. “Remember that little problem you have of worrying so much about what everyone else thinks of you? Well, I think you look sexy as hell, and you and I are the only ones who matter tonight. So if you’re comfortable, then don’t change.”

She growled out her resistance before tipping back her head and sighing. “Okay, fine. I’ll put on my shoes and that’s it.”

“Don’t even touch your hair,” I warned as I loosened my grip on her hand just enough for her to pull free.

With a roll of her eyes, she turned away and sashayed off, calling over her shoulder, “Honey, you don’t ever tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her hair.”

I laughed, glad her sassy spark had returned. By the time she reentered the living room, I had my own shoes on and wallet, phone, and keys back in my pockets. When she smirked at me, her mouth looked extra shiny.

I shook my head. “Lip gloss, you little rebel?” Then I wiggled my eyebrows. “I think someone’s begging for a spanking from Colton tonight.”

With a laugh, she smacked my arm. “Baby doll, you only wish you had the privilege of placing your palm anywhere near my hind end.”

Wondering if it was wrong that I liked it when she stole my pet name for her and used it against me, I made a hungry sound in my throat and tugged her close, wrapping a hand around her waist before saying into her ear, “Challenge accepted.”

When my fingers snuck down her back and squeezed her ass, she set her hand on my chest and looked up at me, her face absolutely glowing with pleasure. “I really do have my hands full with you, don’t I, young man?”

“You really do,” I agreed. “So do you want to walk or drive?”

“Let’s walk,” she said. “I kind of like being out in the cool air sometimes with the breeze on my face, and I feel like being active tonight.”

“All right then. Walking it is.” I took her hand, and we left her apartment together, walking the seven blocks to Gusano’s. We laughed and chatted the whole way, and the late January air really did feel good against our faces.

Once we were seated in a dark intimate booth in the back corner with only the soft glow of a paper lantern over us, I reached across the table and took her fingers, rubbing my thumbs over hers because she said her hands were freezing.

“Tell me something good you remember about your mom,” I said.

She blinked, shaking her head in surprise. “My mom?”

“Yeah,” I encouraged, squeezing her fingers. “All I know is that she was a good mom, but I want details.”

“I…” Julianna laughed and her cheeks brightened. “I don’t know. I was so young; I just remember silly, simple things really. Like when we watched TV together, I’d sit on her lap in the big rocking chair in the front room while she’d wrap her arms around me and rest her chin on my shoulder.”

“That sounds nice.” I smiled. “What was your favorite show to watch together?”

“No way!” She giggled and ducked her face. “You’ll laugh.”

“I won’t. I swear.” I tugged on her fingers to get her to look up again.

Finally, she lifted her gaze, still looking rueful before she mumbled, “SpongeBob.”

“Shut the front door!” I widened my eyes. “I watched that too.”