An immediate text came through.

I pressed my hand to my mouth because it felt as if I probably shouldn’t be grinning quite this wide in the middle of philosophy class.

And then Colton wrote:

From that point on, I couldn’t control myself; I burst out laughing.

All my fellow students turned to gape at me, and even Dr. Taris stopped talking to arch an eyebrow in my direction.

“Though I’m sure the fact that Socrates was attracted to teenage boys might be amusing to some of you,” the professor intoned, staring down his nose disdainfully at me, “if you could contain your mirth for the duration of the lecture, that’d be great.”

I slapped my hand over my mouth and slumped low in my chair before mumbling, “Sorry.”

I’d had no idea we’d been discussing a philosopher’s freaking sexual proclivities in the middle of class. With my cheeks scorching with embarrassment, I risked a glance toward Colton.

He wasn’t looking at me, but there was a grin stretched across his face from ear to ear.

The bastard.


sp; He added a winkie face, and that was the end of our foreplay in philosophy class. When we were finally dismissed a few minutes later, Colton left without approaching me or talking to me. But I received one more message that said:

And that was it.

Honestly, it was probably for the best that we didn’t get too close to each other right now. We really would’ve skipped class again and ended up at my place. But the sneaky devious devil, he must’ve known that he could wind me up without even speaking to me. I think I was more anxious to see him now than if he’d come straight up to me and started making out with me in the middle of class.

By the time five o’clock rolled around and he knocked on my door, I flung it open, beyond eager for round two of our sex-only agreement.

“Hey,” he started to greet me, only to be cut short by me grabbing a handful of his shirt. Then I jerked him into my apartment and kissed him. Hard. Before he could really orient himself, I dragged him back to my room, pushed him onto my mattress and crawled onto his lap, flashing him a glimpse of my pussy when my skirt came up enough to reveal I’d already taken my panties off.

“You have thirty seconds to get inside me, or I’m kicking you right back out of my bed,” I ordered as I ripped open his fly. “Is that perfectly clear?”

He was already hard when I pulled him into my hand.

Purring appreciatively, I wrapped my fingers around the base and stroked up until a bead of precum appeared from the tip.

“Christ, baby doll.” He grunted and dropped the condom he was trying to open.

“I’ll take care of that.” Snagging the package off his abs where he’d dropped it, I ripped it open with my teeth and rolled it on.

Colton had been half sitting up on his elbows, watching me. But then he fell back onto the pillows and gaped up at the ceiling with his lips parted and eyes dazed. When I sank down on him, he gasped and his incredulous gaze went to my face. “What the…uhhh.”

His eyes rolled back in his head as I moved, taking him deep and then pulling almost all the way off before lowering myself back onto him.

“Holy shit,” he rasped before tumbling us across the bed until he was on top. Then he sat up and began to thrust fast and hard, his gaze glued to my face the entire time. “You started this,” he warned breathlessly, telling me he’d reached a point beyond his control and was feverish to finish.

I just laughed and arched up my hips to meet each plunge, taking all of it in. Reaching around, I sank my nails into his bare ass and pulled him even more flush against me. Bracing his hands on either side of my face, he stared down at me and pierced my pussy hard with each word he gritted out. “Best…fuck…ever.”

When my cervix contracted and an orgasm started, I spread my arms wide and split my legs apart, letting it devour me. It flowed through every nerve ending in my body and felt like some kind of divine consumption. I relished every second.

God, I loved sex with Colton.

Panting above me as he spent himself, he hung his head and gasped for a breath, before exhaling and meeting my gaze. “Okay, these clothes need to come off.”

He sat back on his haunches so he could yank my skirt down my legs and then had me sit up so he could remove my top and bra.

I sent him an odd look but complied without protest. “But we’re already finished.”