I flushed. “No. I mean, I don’t have anything against it. I just—”

Grinning, he set two fingers against my lips. “Baby doll, do I really seem like I’m only into vanilla sex to you?”

“No,” I admitted, feeling foolish for even bringing the issue up. My shoulders relaxed.

His smile spread so wide and beautifully I felt blinded and consumed by it. “Trust me,” he assured me. “As long as my dick ends up inside you, you can Kama Sutra me any way you like.”

I nodded and blew out a breath. “Good.”

He stepped in closer, making me catch my breath. Why did his nearness always make my heart beat faster and my breathing go crazy?

“My turn. Condition number one—”

“Wait. What?” I flashed my gaze to his face. “You have conditions?”

He shrugged. “Why not? You did.”

“But I...okay…I guess.” Inside, I tensed, worried what kind of regulation he was going to put on me.

“You can’t bite your lip when you come this time.”

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“At the wedding, when you came…” I flushed because I’d never discussed sex so openly with a guy before. But then… most of the stuff I’d discussed with Colton was confidential. I rarely—if ever—shared that kind of shit with anyone, so I guess it made sense to open up more with him about this too. “…You fought it the entire way through.”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Yes, you did. You locked your muscles, hid your face, and I know you bit this lip.” He reached out and softly slid his finger over my bottom lip as if to ease it from the bite I’d given it nearly two weeks before. Without telling myself to, I swiped out my tongue to taste the salty flavor of his finger.

He smiled at me and ran the back of that very same digit up my cheek. “Just promise to try to let yourself feel the whole thing, okay?”

“Okay, fine.” I rolled my eyes, still convinced I hadn’t held anything back. I mean, it’d been a pretty powerful orgasm. I remember being almost scared of it because it’d started off stronger than I was used to. And then…shit, I had tried to shut it down because it’d been overwhelming.

But I couldn’t tell Colton he was right, so I sighed and tried to make myself sound impatient. “Assuming you can make me come again, I promise I won’t try to hold it all in this time.”

With a chuckle, he kissed the end of my nose. “Oh, I’ll make you come. I plan to make you come a lot.” His chin dipped as if he were easing in for a kiss on the lips. But the moment I lifted my mouth to meet his, he murmured, “Condition number two.”

“Two?” I squawked! “You can’t have two. I didn’t have two.”

“Well, I have two. And I don’t want Brandt to know about this.” He suddenly wasn’t teasing or grinning anymore. I fact, he looked ready to walk out the door if I didn’t comply.

I gulped. “That’s fine.” I didn’t particularly want Brandt to know about it either. I mean, awkward much? But still…why was Colton so against it?

He didn’t explain. He just added, “Actually, I don’t even want his name brought up between the two of us. Ever.”

Unease slithered through me. I wanted to apologize to him once again for what I’d said that night. I must’ve hurt him a hell of a lot more than I’d initially realized.

Suddenly, this whole one-time-deal-just-to-get-it-out-of-our-systems agreement sounded like a really bad idea.

“Just curious, but...why...” I licked my dry lips. “Why don’t you want him to know?”

“Because he wouldn’t like it,” he said. “He knows you still have a thing for him, and he’d think the worst. I don’t want him thinking—”

“Wait!” I held up my hands, completely not expecting that last part. “What do you mean, he knows I have a thing for him?”

Colton closed his eyes. After a moment of deep breathing, he opened them again and said, “Who do you think sent me over to distract you at his wedding? He didn’t want his wife to worry about anything if she caught on to how persistently you were watching him.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered. I covered my mouth before slapping my arms over my chest to hug myself. “You were sent to me?”