“Yeah, well…that’s all I did,” I answered slowly. “And I didn’t make it home until morning, so…” About as soon as I spoke, though, I noticed the strain around his mouth and eyes. He looked beat, physically and emotionally. “Did you need me?” I hedged.

“No,” he answered too quickly and glanced away, retreating a step before placing a protective hand on the counter next to a bedside tray that was filled with eggs and toast, orange juice and a single daisy that looked as if it’d been plucked from the backyard.

I slid my gaze back to him. “What happened?”

“Nothing.” He looked at the prepared breakfast and gulped. “Hey, can you take this back to Aspen? I gotta…I need to get the kids ready for the sitter, then get to work a little early today.”

“Sure,” I said, but fuck. Whenever there were multiple people around to help take care of things, he always picked caring for Aspen and doled out kid duties to everyone else. Why did he want to avoid her today? I drew in a slow, worried breath. “You’re not…giving up, are you? On Aspen?”

“What?” He sliced me a shocked glance. “No! God, no. I just…” He blew out a breath and seemed to age about ten years in that one exhale. “I think maybe she needs a break,” he quietly admitted, and he looked as if he might burst into tears, “from me.”

I had no idea what to say to that. Noel and Aspen had always been so sure and steady together. Nothing rocked their relationship. And I’d built my foundation off them, so when they had turbulence, I felt it deep in my own bones.

Dazed, I just nodded, and said, “Okay.” Apprehensive about what had happened to cause Noel to take a step back, I shuffled to the tray and gingerly picked it up, wondering if I was somehow causing more problems by doing this for him.

“Wait.” He shot forward to stop me. “Here. I forgot to put this on the tray.”

I paused and watched my brother drop a folded piece of paper by the juice cup. When I lifted my eyebrows, he shrugged without explaining.

So I shrugged too. But as soon as I left the kitchen, turned a corner and hit the hallway, I snooped, glancing over my shoulder to make sure he hadn’t followed me before I unfolded the note and read what it had to say.

Okay, whew, so at least he hadn’t been lying about not giving up. But damn, he must be getting desperate if he was collecting quotes for her. Aspen had told me once that he used to send her quotes every day for her collection when he was wooing her.

He must’ve reverted back to the courtship phase, the poor bastard.

After knocking on the doorjamb to their room with my foot to get Aspen’s attention, I strolled in, only to pause when I saw all the little folded notes, similar to the one on her tray, littering her nightstand. And suddenly my chest went tight.

I had no idea how many quotes he’d collected for her, but it looked like dozens, maybe hundreds.

My brother was trying to win his wife back, and he thought he was failing.

What was worse, when Aspen looked up and saw me—not him—I swear she was a split second from bursting into tears.

“Hey, um…where’s…” She glanced behind me, looking for him before shaking her head and forcing a pathetic smile to me. “I mean, good morning. You didn’t have to bring me anything, Colton. That’s so sweet.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I carried the tray to her, but when she looked past me toward the doorway again, I decided to be frank as I settled everything over her lap. “I hope you don’t mind that I’m being your delivery boy this morning. I mean, I know I’m the best-looking Gamble and all, but I’m more of a little brother-slash-son to you, so yeah…this handsome mug probably doesn’t carry the same impact for you as, say, another Gamble.”

“What?” She transferred her gaze to my face before shaking her head. “No. Oh…no, of course I don’t mind you being here, Colton. Don’t be silly. But, uh, is everything okay…with…?”

She couldn’t even say his name, poor woman. When worry and fear crossed her features, I smiled and nodded. “Yep, Noel’s just fine. He’s getting the kiddos ready for the babysitter.”

“Oh.” Relief crossed her face before her features fell. “They shouldn’t need a babysitter. I should be watching them.”

For a

split second, I panicked, hoping I hadn’t started another episode. So I straightened the tray more squarely over her lap and said, “He got you a little something to eat if you’re hungry.”

Perking to attention, she sat up and eyed her breakfast with new interest. “Noel made this?”

I snorted. “Of course. You think I could create this kind of fancy setup?” I flicked my finger against the flower. “And look, he left you another note.”

“Did he?” Her relief was palpable. After she snagged it and opened it to read, her shoulders fell and face relaxed.

“Need anything else?” I asked.

She looked up, happy tears sparkling in her eyes. At first, she shook her head no. But a second later, she said, “Oh! Wait, could you take this to him?” She snagged a pen and piece of notebook paper from her nightstand and scribbled something down before folding it a few times and extending it to me.

I almost cracked a joke about this being like grade school, and I was the messenger delivering notes back and forth between two people with crushes on each other. Was there a check yes or no box on her note?