Colton chose that moment to spear me with two fingers and clamp his lips around my clit. I jolted and came, the rush of energy flowing through me like a freight train. I absorbed most of it but then had to grip my fingers around the sheets as the rest of it attacked.

Once the orgasm had consumed its fill, I slumped limply into my mattress, drained. Someone draw a chalk line around me, I was done.

But Colton sat up, grinning and suddenly very, very awake. Digging a condom from his wallet, he said, “I love it when you come. I don’t know why, but it feels like I win a victory every single time.”

I lifted an exhausted brow, trying to appear stern but probably failing, especially with my skirt around my waist and all my goods on display. “Have you been waging war on my pussy, young man?”

He laughed as he climbed off the bed and began to strip for me, revealing his perfect male form one piece of clothing at a time. “Not war, baby doll. It’s more like a peace treaty.”

Shaking my head, I argued, “What you just did didn’t feel very peaceful.” It’d felt out-of-this-world amazing, but not peaceful.

Grinning, he rolled the latex on and then crawled over me. “Oh, that was just the treaty’s after-party between new allies.” He sat upright on his knees over me, straddling my hips as he urged me to lift my arms so he could tug my top over my head. “You like being my ally, right, baby doll?”

I had no idea where he was going with this, and I kind of wondered if he did either, so I just smiled and nodded. “Sure.”

“That’s my lady,” he murmured approvingly as he finished stripping me bare, while I just lay there and watched him in total fascination. “We make a good team.”

He interlaced our fingers as he repositioned himself above me. “Just you and me against the world.” Pressing his forehead to mine, he pushed inside me, keeping eye contact the entire time. My inner muscles gripped him tight, receiving him eagerly, and we both spent a moment panting through the pleasure before he kissed me and began to move slowly, deeply, and so damn beautifully.

Our lips caressed and tongues stroked. His fingers played with mine while mine tangled with his. Our bare legs shifted past each other and abdomens pressed together. If I had a single body part that wasn’t intimately involved with some part of him, I wasn’t aware of it. I only knew that he was everywhere and it felt so completely right because this was where he belonged, where I belonged, where we belonged.

“I like being on your team,” I confessed, letting go of his hands so I could sink my fingers into his lush hair.

He kissed his way along my jaw and down my neck, then ran his palm from the base of my throat to between my breasts as if needing to stroke and touch every inch. “Best team ever,” he announced, lifting his gaze to look into my eyes. His jaw tensed and a trail of sweat slipped down his temple. Eyes clouded and teeth clenched, he was close.

I wanted him closer than close. I wanted him there, all the way over the edge. So I reached down and cupped his tight balls before running an index finger along his sensitive taint. Muttering his surprise, he surged tighter inside me, tipping his head down toward my shoulder and groaning as he tumbled into oblivion. The power of knowing I could bring him to this place was my own aphrodisiac. My pussy clenched around his cock, and I tumbled off into my own climax.

When we finished, Colton tried to climb off me but only got about halfway there before collapsing partly on top of me and face-first into my pillow.

“Mmph,” he muffled into the pillow while his heat and sweat clung to mine.

Feeling overly affectionate toward him, I stroked his back with my long nails, which only made him purr out another groan.

Minutes passed, and we lay there against each other, soaking in the quiet aftermath of our peace treaty party. Finally, Colton turned his face to the side, until he was facing my neck and his cheek was propped onto my shoulder.

“I’ve been thinking,” he announced, his voice clogged with sleep, “and I don’t believe your dad will freak out about me.”

Surprised he’d been thinking about that at all, I kissed his forehead and gave his arm a supportive stroke. “Why’s that?”

“Because…” He set his elbow on the mattress and lifted his face so he could prop his chin in his hand and study me. “You’re not like that, and he raised you, right? So he can’t be too bad. I think you’re worrying about nothing.”

He made a point. My father had raised me to be fair and tolerant. It would make sense that he shouldn’t have a huge problem with Colton. But I’d also heard him make some comments that still made me wonder, not entirely certain.

I paused my hand on his arm, studying the two shades of our skin against each other. I thought it looked beautiful, and when it came down to it, it wouldn’t matter what Dad thought. I’d deal with whatever reaction he had because I wasn’t going to stop seeing Colton no matter what.

“I have something for you,” I announced, suddenly remembering the present I’d made for him and not really wanting to think about all that other junk.

Colton lifted his eyebrows, curious. “What’s that?”

“Here.” I squirmed out from under him. “It’s on my dresser.” When he scooted back enough to let me crawl over him and reach for it, I flushed, suddenly wishing I’d wrapped it or something. It felt lame to give him a present without any kind of garnish.

“It’s just…” Strangely shy, I thrust it at him. “Sorry, it’s not much. Just…silly.”

He took the small silver dream catcher keychain along with a new bottle of breath spray and held it up to watch the tiny feathers dangle from the loom with what looked like awe on his face.

“And look.” I twisted the bottle so he could read the new label I’d printed out and stuck to it.

“Colton’s monster repellent,” he read before throwing back his head and laughing. “Holy shit.” Curling his fingers around the tiny bottle, he held it to his chest. “I love this. Thank you.”