Zoey opened her mouth to answer, but Caroline steamrolled right over her. “We’re buying you all kinds of sexy underthings to help you seduce Brandt into finally giving it up to you. Colton’s idea, but I approve.”

My jaw fell loose, which caused Zoey to laugh. “Are you sure you want to get mixed up with the Gamble clan?”

Actually, no. I wasn’t very sure about this at all. I was a little shocked both Caroline and Colton were so willing and enthusiastic to plan something like this against their brother.

But Caroline answered for me, bending down so she could bump our cheeks together. “Of course she does. We’re like sisters already. Might as well make it official.”

“Wait, what?”

They made it sound like they were trying to help me wring a proposal out of Brandt or something. Though the idea made my heart leap, it was way more devious than I was planning to be.

Honestly, I’d just wanted to stop feeling pathetic. I’d wanted to take control of my life.

But this seemed to be going way off grid from the path I’d planned.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I hedged.

“It’s perfect,” Caroline assured as she pushed me into the lingerie shop. “Trust me.”


An hour later, I had a shopping bag full of three pairs of matching bra and panty sets, a new scented body spray, and...condoms. Ribbed for her pleasure.

Why I hadn’t been able to say no every time Caroline shoved something in my arms, I’ll never know. But I flushed thinking about the contents. I looked around because it felt as if everyone was looking at me and knew what kind of naughty things I’d purchased, but all the different occupants at the food court seemed to be minding their own business, completely oblivious to my bag full of tricks I held clutched for dear life in my lap.

“You know,” Caroline mused from across the table where we all sat. “I’m glad the hubby suggested we move back to Illinois from Lake Tahoe after I got pregnant with Teagan. It was nice there, but this is home. I missed you guys so much. Mmm.” She moaned and closed her eyes as she chewed. “Great idea by the way about stopping at the food court, Sarah. These pretzels are delish. And I don’t have to share any of it with an eighteen-month-old or begging husband.” She groaned again blissfully as she took another bite.

“They are pretty good,” Zoey agreed, sounding almost guilty as she glanced at her phone’s screen for like the tenth time since we’d stopped at the food court to eat. Then she dunked her pretzel bite in cream cheese before coating it with cinnamon.

“Oh my God.” Caroline stole her phone from her. “They’re fine. Stop checking in.”

“Who’s fine,” I asked, brushing some salt and a bit of drool off the corner of my lip.

“Colton and Ten are babysitting both her kids and mine while we’re shopping,” Zoey answered, biting her lip. “I know Ten’s a great dad, but to be suddenly stuck with three—”

“That’s why I sent Colton over to help,” Caroline interjected. “They’ll be fine.”

“Where’s Quinn?” I asked.

“At work. He was so excited this morning; he gets to assist with three major operations today.” Zoey’s husband had gotten a residency at Ellamore’s Regional Medical Center. I secretly called him Dr. Hot Pants because he looked so good in scrubs.

I was about to ask when he’d stop needing a supervisor and drop the residency so he could go into practice on his own, but my phone rang.

After fishing it free from my purse, I brightened. “It’s Reese.”

Caroline grasped my wrist before I could answer. “Don’t tell her what we did,” she whispered, glancing at my naughty bag.

I shook my head, confused. “Why not? I’m pretty sure Reese would support your plan.”

“Oh, there’s no doubt about that. But she can’t keep a secret like this from that husband of hers to save her life, and I have a feeling Mason wouldn’t be too supportive of Operation Bang-Brandt.”

Good point. I wouldn’t want to put Reese in that position.

I nodded sagely before answering, “Hey, what’s up?”

“Eva just went into labor.” Reese sounded harried and out of breath.

“Oh my goodness!” I clapped out my joy and swung a grin toward Caroline and Zoey. “I didn’t think the baby was due for another—”