My call worked. Seconds later, both Noel and Aspen appeared in the doorway.

“What’s he done now?” Noel asked.

“Nothing.” I shoved my wallet into my back pocket as I slipped my feet into my tennis shoes. “He’s just lonely. So stop trying to make him a new brother or sister and play with the one you have. I’ve got places to be.”

After grabbing my phone and keys, I started from the room, pausing to kiss the side of Aspen’s head in farewell.

As I left, I heard Beau inviting his parents to come jump on my bed with him. The little shit. He had no idea how lucky he had it. Two parents who loved the fuck out of him and provided him with a good, stable home. Noel had been a kickass brother, but he was an even better dad.

So yeah, I was glad Beau had a better childhood than I’d ever had. Didn’t make me any less jealous of him, though. But it did make me wonder what kind of dad I’d be one day. Not that I’d ever get there. I’d kind of have to be able to settle with one woman first, and shit...

I was thinking about that kiss again.

Anywhere around Sarah was the last place I should be right now. Except my blood felt as if it’d been ignited with fireworks as I paused in the kitchen to collect everything I needed for my plans.

The entire way over to her place, I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel and hummed under my breath, trying to expel my nervous energy. I couldn’t wait to see her.

Once I arrived, I was tempted to go around the side to her window but decided I was going to do this right.

She’d wanted a first real date. Well, she was going to get one.


I was checking out a couple computer programming job openings in the area on my laptop when someone knocked on my door. Glancing up, I blinked when a grinning Brandt stepped inside, and my heart nearly pounded itself out of my chest.

“Hey. You busy?” he asked.

He looked good, like especially good. Which was weird, because he wasn’t dressed up at all. He wore a plain white, V-necked T-shirt and a regular pair of blue jeans that, okay, looked newer than most of the pairs he owned. But, I don’t know, there was something about him, as if he’d just shaved before coming over or had combed his hair or...what the hell? Was that cologne wafting off him?

It was! That was the scent I’d given him for Christmas.

Why the heck was he wearing cologne?

“Sarah?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow and looking amused by the way I was gawking at him.

I shook my head, getting my head back in the game.

Busy, he’d asked if I was busy.

“Sure,” I said. “I mean, no. Not busy. What do you need? Everything okay?”

I swear his eyes freaking sparkled with glee as he grinned at me. “Everything’s perfect. But I need you to come with me.”

He was being so mysterious, I laughed. “Where?”

“It’s a surprise,” he murmured, holding down a hand to me. “Are you in or out?”

“Oh, I’m in.” He knew what a sucker I was for surprises. Taking his hand as he helped me stand, I

asked, “Is it out in public? Should I change?”

“Don’t change. You look perfect.” He kept grinning as he helped me to my chair, and it made my stomach churn, reminding me of our kiss. He looked like a little boy who couldn’t wait to give his parents the Christmas presents he’d picked out for them. It was freaking adorable.

“You’re being so mysterious,” I couldn’t help but say.

Chuckling, he leaned down to whisper into my ear. “And you love it.”

I shivered, and for once, I was happy I had CP to use as an excuse for my tremors, because holy hell, his breath on my neck was heaven.