Great. Now I was going to get weepy. And Reese had already finished my eyes. I was sure they looked wonderful too. I didn’t want to ruin all her lovely work.

She’d always been there for me and strived to make me feel good about myself. This woman was the mother of my heart, and I was so blessed to have her in my life. I always knew I could ask her for any advice, which reminded me...

“What if he wants to kiss me?”

Okay, I was probably shooting way above my pay grade with that little wish, could happen. Maybe. Seth had asked me out. Surely he thought I was kiss-worthy.


“Do you want him to?” Reese asked, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. When she wiggled her eyebrows, I laughed and blushed.

“I don’t know.” Yes! I so badly wanted to know what a kiss felt like.

“Well...” Lips tightening as she tried to reign in her goofy grin, Reese drew in a thoughtful breath. “You kiss Issa and Gray all the time, so you already have the mouth-pursing part down. With mouth-to-mouth kisses, I guess the main thing to avoid is bumping noses. So when he leans in, he’ll probably tilt his head slightly one way, ergo you should try to tilt yours the other way.”

I practiced tilting my head, and Reese laughed, catching my face between her hands. “Maybe not that much. There. Like that.”

Heat raced through me as I remembered just a few nights ago when Brandt and I had been in my bed pressing our foreheads together. We’d tilted our heads just like this.

It was as if we’d been preparing for something that would never happen between us.

Clearing my throat, I murmured, “I think I know what you mean.” Then I gulped. “What about tongue?”

“On your first kiss?” Reese squawked, eyes going wide. “Oh, hell no.”

Cheeks heating even more, I said, “He won’t know it’s my first.” At least I hoped to God he wouldn’t ever learn I was that lame.

“Well, it is my humble, honest—and right—opinion that any first kiss between two people should never start immediately with tongue.” I grinned as she got wound up. It was always entertaining when Reese decided to impart her views on life with me. “A first kiss is an introductory stage, two strangers still getting to know each other.” She picked up two tubes of lipstick and held them a couple inches apart as if pretending they were two people about to kiss.

“If you attack, full force, first thing”—she smashed the tubes together and wiggled them around viciously—”you ruin the entire experience. If you start out strong, you can only go down from there, so...” She backed the lipsticks away from each other, and then slowly crept them closer as if they were sniffing each other out. Flirting. “You start out with simple lip-to-lip contact. And if that goes well, then your bodies may naturally shift closer.”

The lipstick tubes eased against each other, and my clothes suddenly felt a little snug against my chest. “Before you know it, your hand might grip his shoulder, or neck, or something, and then...then when breathing escalates and hearts thump a little faster, he might test out the waters and nudge his tongue against your lips, asking for access.”

My gaze held magnetized by the kissing lipstick cases, I gulped. “And if that happens?”

She grinned. “Well, if you want him in, you let him in. Oh, but...” She winced, pulling the lipsticks apart. “Don’t just open your mouth and then do nothing with your tongue. That’s called a dead fish kiss. Very bad. You have to do stuff with your tongue too if he’s doing stuff with his.”

“I do?” Oh, crap. This was beginning to sound complicated. “Like what?”

Should I be taking notes?

Reese frowned at the two bottles before tossing one aside and uncapping the other. As she brought it to my mouth to apply a layer, she murmured, “I don’t know. Just kind of mimic what he does.”

“Mimic,” I repeated, confused, suddenly hoping Seth didn’t try to kiss me now. I would so suck at it.

“It’s basically just instinctual stuff.” Tossing aside the lipstick and picking up lip gloss to coat over what she’d just applied to my mouth, she shrugged. “Hard to explain, but once you’re there, you just kind of do it without thinking about it.”

Great. I had zero instinctive skills. All the anticipation I’d been feeling swiftly plummeted into dread.

What the hell was I thinking going on a date? Brandt was right; I was a sexless being. I didn’t belong in the dating, kissing, instinctive world.

“Relax,” Reese murmured, catching on to my anxiety. She patted my cheek and grinned. “Don’t even think about that part. Just have fun, get to know him, be yourself. You’ll do great.”

Just as she said that, the doorbell rang.

The sound vibrated through my chest like the gong of doom.

“Oh, God,” I whimpered.