My coworker whirled to send him a look that actually made me worry for his balls. “Sex on the what?”

But he only smiled and lifted his hands harmlessly. “I meant the drink...of course.”

I sighed, realizing I should probably save him before Julianna maimed him beyond repair. “Don’t bother, Juli. He’s only seventeen.”

“But I won’t be forever.” Colton wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Juli, huh? You are so invited to my eighteenth birthday party, Juli. It’s this June. You’re free in June, right?”

Oh, Jesus. He had no notion of self-preservation at all.

“Will you get lost already?”

“But I came here to talk to you.”

“I figured. Except I didn’t care what you wanted the minute you walked in, and I still don’t care now. So scram. You know you can’t be here once they unlock the doors.” Not until he turned eighteen.

“No, seriously, Brandt. I need your help.”

He sounded fervent enough to catch my attention. So I lifted an eyebrow and focused on him, all my protective instincts flaring to life. “What’s up?”

“I need to borrow Sarah.”

Totally not expecting him to say that, I shook my head and blinked. “Say what?”

“Yeah, I need her mad computer skills so I can have a bit of help hacking into my student account and change my last American History test from an A to a B, possibly a C.”

I blurted out a surprised laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You want to lower your grade?”

“Hell, yeah. I’m already bordering on becoming salutatorian of my class, and I don’t want to look too smart.” He winked Julianna’s way. “People might start getting nasty expectations.”

“Trust me.” She flashed him a smirk. “I don’t care what your GPA is. I still think you’re an idiot.”

“See.” He grinned at me as he motioned toward her. “A woman after my own heart. You should just step aside and let me have her now.”

When I only stared at him with a look that clearly told him how much of a dumbass he was, he lifted his hands. “So what do you say? Be the best brother ever and hook me up with a little Sarah time? She can hack into school records, right?”

“She’s not for rent, asshole. Leave her alone.”

He sighed, losing a bit of patience as he sat back. “You know, I could go straight to her, right?”

“Then why didn’t you?” I turned away to make sure everything was set up and good to go before we opened the door to paying customers.

“Because you always get surly and protective whenever I merely mention her. So out of respect for you, I came here first. Plus...if you put in a good word for me, she’d be more inclined to help ya brother out.”

No, she really wouldn’t. But I didn’t tell him that. “Leave Sarah the fuck alone.”


“I said no.”

“Who’s Sarah?” Julianna asked, making me jump because I wasn’t aware she’d been listening in. “Your girlfriend?”

“What?” I spun to her with a frown before shaking my head. “No. She’s just my friend.” Directing my hard gaze back to Colton, I gritted out, “And she’s not to be fucked with.”

He must’ve realized he’d lost all ground with me because he let out a long, aggravated sigh and swung his feet to the floor before standing. “Fine. Be an ass. But if I end up getting a goddamn A in the class, you better not call me a fucking nerd.”

I sighed. “Just go home, nerd. Finish your grounding like a good boy.”

“Screw you.” He flipped me the bird before glancing at Julianna and winking. “I’ll be back for you when I turn eighteen.” And then he strolled away.