“Leave her be,” Caroline groused, jerking the bag out of his reach when he tried to peek inside.

“Where are the kids?” Zoey asked, glancing around.

“In JB’s room, watching a movie,” Colton answered as he emerged from the hall.

When Zoey started back that way to check in on them, Caroline called after her. “Hey, grab your makeup kit while you’re back there.”

“So...” Colton grinned as he wandered to me. “Was my plan genius, or was my plan genius?”

Beyond embarrassed that everyone was acting so blasé about me trying to seduce their brother, I muttered, “This whole thing is growing more ridiculous by the second.”

“Nonsense.” He surprised the crap out of me by pecking a quick kiss to the top of my head before whisking his way toward the exit. “Just trust us.”

I ground my teeth, tempted to call after him that I was getting sick of everyone telling me that, but Caroline was still right there, and she’d been so nice to me today, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by claiming I couldn’t trust her.

“Where is he going?” I asked instead as I watched Brandt’s whistling brother stroll from the house.

“He’s putting stage two into effect,” Caroline answered before grasping my chin and forcing me to lift my face. “Close your eyes.”

I blinked at her, only to realize Zoey had returned with her makeup kit, and Caroline wanted to doll me up.

“Why?” I asked uncertainly, moving my face backward. “What’s stage two? And what was stage one?”

“Don’t worry about it, honey,” Caroline answered right before Zoey said, “Ooh, that’s the perfect color for her.”

“I know, right? I had a feeling jewel tones on her would kick ass.” Caroline turned back to me. “I just want to play around a little,” she reassured me.

“Oh.” I obligingly closed my eyes but still jumped when she began to apply foundation.

“Why did you get her three different pairs of lingerie?” Ten asked, making me crack open the eye Caroline wasn’t working on to realize he’d gotten hold of my bag...and was browsing through everything inside.

He lifted three hangers full of unmentionables. “You do realize it’s only going to take one of these bad boys to bring Brandt to his knees, right?”

“Oh my God,” I moaned, sinking lower into my wheelchair.

Caroline growled. “Stop poking through Sarah’s underwear.” She snagged the three hangers full of matching bra and panty sets from his hands where he was holding them up to examine them. “Give the girl some privacy.”

“Sorry,” Ten told me, even though he didn’t appear to be very apologetic, especially when he leaned closer and whispered, “I’d go with that red and black set if I were you.” Then he flashed me the okay sign and grinned. “Total winner.”

I laughed, even though my face was scorching hot.

Behind me, the door came open, and thankfully Caroline rushed to shove my underwear back into the sack and out of sight. But when she saw who’d entered, she relaxed. “Oh. It’s just you.”

“Quinn!” Zoey gasped and hurried for the entrance.

I turned in time to watch her step up onto her toes to hug her husband hard. “You’re home early today.”

“The last surgery I was going to assist with was canceled.” He glanced at the rest of us over his wife’s shoulder. “What’s going on?”

“We’re practicing fancying Sarah up so she can seduce Brandt,” Caroline answered bluntly before taking her attention from my face to glance his way. Then she let out a loud whistle. “Damn, Dr. Hamilton. You look good in scrubs.”

Ten choked on his surprise. “Excuse me?”

“What?” Caroline shrugged. “I’m just saying...damn. He looks good in scrubs.”

A confused Quinn looked at his wife, raising his eyebrows. She blushed. “Did you check in on Eva and Pick before coming home?”

“Yeah,” he murmured. “Her contractions are still three minutes apart, and she’s only four centimeters dilated. It’ll be a couple more hours yet.” After taking me in, then Caroline and Ten, he turned back to Zoey. “Does Mason know about this seduction thing?”