Concern lit Mason’s face. “Something bad happened? Wit

h her date?” He turned as if he wanted to follow her to her room and find out the problem for himself, but I jumped forward, not about to let that happen. If he stepped in, I wouldn’t be needed, and there was no fucking way I was going to be left out of this.

She had contacted me. So here I was.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I’ll find out what happened. I got this.”

Mason looked momentarily wary of letting me near his sister, and panic filled my chest. If he said no, what could I do? I couldn’t bulldoze past him and storm into her room regardless. And I had a feeling she wouldn’t open the window for me if I tried getting in that way.

Looking him dead in the eye, I said, “I can get her to talk to me.”

He knew to believe me because I’d managed it before. Mason always knew he could trust me with Sarah, so that was probably why he gave a reluctant nod and shifted as if to let me pass. I hurried into the hall just as he called, “I want to know what this guy did too.”

Unable to promise that, I simply acted as if I hadn’t heard him.

When I reached Sarah’s room, I was relieved to discover she hadn’t locked me out. Slipping inside, I found her already out of her chair and sitting on her bed with her bare feet on the floor and her fingers gripping the edge of the mattress as she scowled at me.

“And don’t tattle my entire life to my brother, either.”

I sighed and eased the door shut behind me. Saying nothing, I approached her before sitting next to her until we were side by side, both staring at her closed door.

“I didn’t tattle,” I finally answered, feeling calm enough to be rational. “I simply tried to smooth the waters because you know he would’ve burst in here and demanded answers. But he’s not here, now is he?”

Sarah’s chin quivered as she watched the door, but her brother never breached the entrance. Finally, she blew out a breath and quietly said, “I’m sorry I’m pushing my pissy mood off on you. You don’t deserve it.”

I shrugged. “No reason to apologize. If you’re pissed, you should be allowed some pissiness.”

Sniffing, she wiped at her nose. “Not at you, not when you dropped everything to come help me.”

“Hey, that’s what I’m here for.” Scrubbing my hands through my hair, I wished I knew how to pry the answers I wanted from her. But Sarah was a stubborn case. The more I prodded, the more she clamped shut.

I’d have to wait until she was ready to talk. So I just sat there, waiting.

And going fucking insane.

About a minute later, she wiped at her cheek and said, “I know it’s selfish to want things, but...I just wanted to know what it’d feel like to date. To kiss. fuck.”

“To what?” I totally wasn’t expecting her to say that.

She looked at me, no apology or shame or even embarrassment in her eyes. “I’m sorry, but I’m curious, okay. Everyone else goes on dates, and kisses, and...and has sex. Why can’t I? I don’t want to die a moldy, old, crusted-over virgin.”

“Oh, whatever. You’re only twenty-two. That’s not exactly—”

“The way my life’s gone so far,” she went on talking over me, “no sex, ever, seems to be how it’s going to continue. I would give anything to know what an orgasm felt like that didn’t come from my own fingers.”

That’s when my mind blanked out. Call me a guy, whatever, but thinking of Sarah having an orgasm against her own fingers did it for me.

Unable to hear anything she said after that, my mind went on a mini porn party. All I could picture were her lips parted, head tilted back on a pillow, exposing her throat as her chest arched into the air while her own hand slid sinfully slow between her legs.


I was as hard as a rock. The idea of Sarah masturbating...

Yeah. Just...damn.

I’d never thought of her that way before. I mean, okay, I’d thought of her that way, sure. I was male, she was female, I’d had plenty of sex fantasies about her over the years. But I’d never guessed she thought that way too. She never told dirty jokes, made sexual references, checked out other dudes. I assumed she was completely oblivious to what two people could do when they were naked and alone together.

Learning she did think that way and even masturbated kind of hurt. I mean, if she’d finally grown interested in sex, why couldn’t she have been interested in sex with me?