Once I was all the way in, I paused to watch her face.

“Oh, Jesus. Oh, God,” she panted, still shaking her head and think

ing she couldn’t take any more.

So I pulled out and hammered back in, laughing when she bowed up her back and met my thrust as hard as she could. “That’s it,” I encouraged her. “Fuck me back, baby. Take it and demand more.”

One powerful blow after another, I just kept spiking as deep and as hard as I could go.

“Brandt,” she gasped, “Brandt!” Her body tensed and I knew she was there. So close. Just a little bit...more.

“You are so fucking amazing,” I gritted out as I went faster, losing all my finesse in my rush to keep up with her. “Best. Fucking. Sex. Ever.”

Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and tightened around me. I grunted and then had to bury my face into the pillow next to her cheek to keep from shouting as I let go inside her, coming so long I might’ve even blacked out a second in there.

I didn’t realize I’d collapsed on top of her until she squirmed under me.

“Wha...?” I opened dazed eyes only to slur, “Shit, sorry.”

Rolling onto my back beside her, I blew out a breath and stared up at the ceiling in shock. “Holy...fuck,” I finally gasped. That had been...yeah. My brain was still too rattled to properly process how amazing that had been.

With my body still buzzing from the orgasm she’d given me, I lolled my head on the pillow to grin lazily at her. A sheen of sweat on her face gave her a healthy glow and caused a couple tendrils of hair to cling to her cheeks as she turned her head to smile back at me. My chest constricted with emotion.

“Hey,” I whispered.

She laughed, and her blush bloomed brighter. “Hey, yourself.”

Unable to not touch her, I reached out and lightly ran the backs of my fingers down the outside of her arm. “Have I told you how glad I am that you talked me into changing our relationship?”

Another laugh left her. “Your appreciation was implied.” When her eyebrows pinched into a frown, I realized she was trying to remove the belts.

“Oh, sorry.” I sat upright and reached for the buckle. “Let me.”

Her hands fell away as she allowed me to take off the bonds. When I noticed a red mark on her arm after I removed the first one, I sucked in a breath and kissed it before meeting her gaze. “Does it hurt?”

Smiling, she closed her eyes and shook her head. “Not even a little. Mmm...but feel free to kiss the marks anyway”

I pressed my lips to the already fading abrasion again, and she softly petted my hair. “I love you, Brandt.”

I grinned and licked the skin. “I love you, too.” My body responded to how she sighed and shifted under me while I kissed every bound inch of flesh I emancipated. By the time I reached the last belt, I was hard again, and so hungry my mouth was already watering to taste her pussy.

“So would you be opposed to a round two?” I asked as I released the last buckle.

In answer, Sarah gasped and bowed her back up, her body going rigid before it began to shake erratically, her head tossing fitfully back and forth on the pillow.

“Sarah?” My gaze flew to her face, and the breath stalled in my lungs. “Shit!”

I’d been with her when she’d had a seizure before. But it’d been a while, and for a moment, panic clouded my head. Fear froze my lungs, and lack of oxygen grayed my vision.

But then my mental checklist kicked in. I blew out a steadying breath before scanning her surroundings to make sure nothing nearby could endanger her. Her head was already propped up by her pillow, her clothes were gone, unable to constrict her, and there didn’t seem to be anything close to hurt herself on, except maybe me. I scooted to the edge of the mattress and glanced at the clock to time her.

Hating this shit, I ran my hands over my face, prayed it ended quickly. It always felt like I should do something. But I knew the best help was to stay back and let her work through it, making sure she couldn’t hurt herself in the process. With cold, shaking hands, I slid off the bed and jerked on my clothes. About thirty seconds had passed by the time I was fully dressed.

Sarah still seemed safely positioned on the bed, her body seizing with the most painful-looking, jarring shudders. I cursed under my breath and paced the floor. Three minutes later, the convulsions subsided.

“Thank God.” My voice was hoarse as I rushed to the bed and sat beside her. But as soon as I touched her arm, she started again, the tremors even worse this time around.

“Sarah?” I tightened my grip on her arm. More than one seizure in a row was bad. So I panicked. “Baby?”