“I, uh...sorry!” She rushed in reverse from the room, hiding her son’s eyes with her hand before she slammed the door closed.

“Holy shit,” Brandt whispered, glancing at me with wide eyes just I heard Mason from the other side of the door say, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing!” Reese was quick to answer. “Nothing, I just...um... Let’s go to the kitchen. I’m hungry. Are you hungry?”

“Jesus, she’s an awful liar.” Brandt snickered, and before I knew it, we were both laughing and blushing and hiding our red faces in each other’s necks.

“I have to say that’s never happened to me before,” he said as he tugged his shirt on.

“Me neither,” I agreed before grinning. “Obviously.”

He grinned back. “So, I guess we’d better go out there and, uh, set the record straight before she ends up telling Mason, huh?”

I looked at him as if he were insane. “What do you mean...set the record straight?”

“Sarah.” His eyes widened meaningfully. “Your brother’s going to find out eventually. It might as well be from us.”

“What?” Oh hell no. He wasn’t seriously suggesting I tell my brother I was no longer a virgin, was he?

But he just kept staring at me with that look and I realized...

Crap, he was.

He hopped off my bed to roll my wheelchair to the edge of the mattress where I was sitting.

“You don’t have to come with me,” I mumbled, realizing, yeah, I should probably be the one to tell Mason, instead of letting him find out through Reese.

“Like hell,” he growled. “You and I are in this together. If he has to find out, he finds out from both of us.”

In that moment, I realized how very lucky I was. Not many men would be willing to stand up to a woman’s brother with her. Anyone else probably would’ve let me deal with this by myself.

Secretly glad I’d been with Brandt when this happened, and no one else, I nodded up at him with trusting eyes.

He nodded back. When he opened the door for me and sent me a reassuring smile, I rolled into the hallway and heard him follow behind.

We entered the kitchen seconds later to find Mason sitting at the table with Isabella on one knee and Gracen on the other while Reese grabbed a carton of ice cream from the freezer and carried it to a counter where four empty bowls sat.

“Babe, I told you I’m not hungry. You don’t have to make me a—”

He glanced over when we entered, and his voice died when he saw who was standing behind me.

“Hey, Brandt.” He frowned, obviously confused. “I didn’t know you were here. I didn’t hear anyone at the door this evening.”

Brandt cleared his throat as he moved out from behind my wheelchair to stop at my side. “I didn’t come in through the door.” Calmly he reached down to take my han

d. “I climbed in through Sarah’s bedroom window.”

I choked on my surprise, unable to believe he was admitting that.

All the while, Mason zeroed his attention down to where Brandt was holding my hand. When he looked up, he was scowling suspiciously.” Her bedroom window,” he echoed.

When Brandt nodded, Mason narrowed his eyes. “Have you done that a lot?”

“Only a couple times,” Brandt answered. “A week...for the past seven years.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered, closing my eyes and slapping my hand over my face. “You really plan on telling him every single detail, don’t you?”

“Tell me?” Mason repeated, glancing between me and Brandt. “Tell me what?”