I don’t know when we finally got to sleep. But we talked late into the night, snuggling and touching, laughing and bickering, kissing and...kissing some more. It was honestly the best night of my life.

When I woke the next morning, Brandt was kissing me awake by pressing his lips to my forehead.

“Hey, I need to get home and shower before my first class. When you do have to get up?”

I grumbled a moment, fighting to regain my sleep, but then I finally mumbled, “Not until nine today.” I usually worked at the writing center before my first class, but Heather, one of the other tutors, had begged for my shift, needing some extra hours. So, this morning, I could sleep in.

“Then get another hour or two of sleep.” Brandt kissed me again, on my cheek this time. I was still too tired to open my eyes, so I nestled deeper into my warm blankets and barely offered him a grunt of acknowledgment.

He laughed and kissed me, on my lips. “I have to work every night this week until Friday. So...want to get together for lunch at the student center someday this week?”

I hoped the sound I made let him know that sounded fine by me, because I was by no means awake enough to answer any better than that.

“Okay, then...I’ll just call.” He sounded amused before his lips were pressing against my temple, one last time... And then he was gone.


I couldn’t get to sleep after Brandt left. So by slow increments, I roused more fully until I was lying on my back and staring up at my ceiling, wide freaking awake.

So this was going to be my first full day as a non-virgin.


My time with Brandt last night began to feel like a dream. So I grabbed my phone and sent him a text.

Okay, I’m finally awake. Did last night really happen?

He didn’t immediately respond, so I did a mental calculation in my head before I realized he was probably showering now and getting ready for school.

I did the same.

I took my phone into the bathroom with me and when I climbed out of my perch in the shower, I saw he’d written back. Joy bloomed in my chest until I read what he’d said.

What happened last night?

With a growl and roll of my eyes, I shot back with: Jerk!

This time, he answered immediately: LOL! Yes, it happened. I’m still in a daze too. Best. Night. Ever!

With a smug little smirk, I set my phone down, feeling better. I was halfway finished getting ready for my first class when I realized...yesterday could’ve very well ended up being one of the worst nights ever for Brandt. I’d completely forgotten his mom had shown up. I began to worry about him until he texted me again, asking when my lunch break was today.

But I had classes straight through until four and had been planning on snacking on granola bars during lectures.

So Brandt asked what I was doing the next day for my noon meal. I scowled, remembering I’d planned on meeting with my advisor during my lunch break.

Damn, he answered. I need to see you SOMETIME before Friday. I’m feeling very introspective. Really need some time with Aristotle.

WE ARE NOT NAMING IT ARISTOTLE, I told him in no uncertain terms, laughing the entire time I typed.

Socrates? he asked.

Oh my God, I loved this guy.

Instead of rejecting the idea completely, I typed, Maybe, to which he immediately said, Really? Cool!

I laughed. I said MAYBE. Now get to class already, weirdo. You’re going to be late.

Shit. Ur right. Gotta go. Luv u.