She gasped in outrage. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

“I’m finding another way home. I refuse to ride in a car with you ever again.” Glancing at her shocked expression, I added, “From here on out, I’ll get myself to all the tests and appointments. I’

m moving out tonight. My kidney is the last thing you’ll ever get from me.”

I left her there to chew on that. After checking the time on my phone and realizing Quinn’s game was probably just now ending, I prayed they were winning, and I typed him a quick text to let him know that Cora was onto us.

Thankfully, I found a bus stop not too far away, and I only had to wait half an hour to get a ride back to Ellamore. I started packing as soon as I made it to the apartment. I had no doubt that Quinn and Ten would let me stay with them until I found my own place. Maybe Caroline would be willing to rent something with me. That could be fun.

Needing boxes, I borrowed a couple from Henry. I’d just put all my notebooks into one when my phone chimed with a text.

From Cora.

I don’t know why I even read it, but I did.

If you want to keep your precious boyfriend, you better come to this party and fetch him. He’s drunk and horny and I can’t forget how good he feels inside me.

She’d attached an address. Quinn still hadn’t responded to my message. I shot off another to him. But the only thing I got back was: Oops. Sorry. Quinn’s busy right now…going down on me. Love ya. Cora.

“Bitch,” I muttered. I had no idea when she’d jacked with my phone, but I knew then, without a doubt, that Quinn had not been receiving my messages, and he was not doing any such thing with Cora.

I didn’t like knowing he was at that same party with her, though. She couldn’t be trusted, and she was mad enough tonight to try something even more devious. He was still unaware that she knew about us. I needed to warn him. Snagging my purse, I raced out the door.

The party was still going strong when I showed up. I waded through people until I spotted Ten challenging some guy to a drink-off.

“Ten!” I yelled, pushing through arms and shoulders to get to him.

Hearing his name, he glanced my way. When his eyes immediately flared with anger, unease stirred in my belly.

“Well, look who finally decided to grace us with her royal presence.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I’d worry about that later, when I found Quinn. “Where’s Quinn?”

“He’s looking for you, princess.”

Thinking he was too drunk to be of any help, I started away, but Ten wasn’t finished talking to me. He grabbed my arm. “What the fuck, Blondie? Do you enjoy breaking his heart?”

I paused to send him an incredulous glance. “Excuse me?”

“He’s been trying to get a hold of you for over a day. But you never fucking answered. And then you went and even ditched on him today...just like Whora always did. Why are you avoiding him? Why didn’t you make it to the game?”

“I…” Flustered, I shook my head. “I’m not avoiding him. I’ve been trying to get a hold of him. But I just found out Cora’s been messing with my phone. And I couldn’t make the game, because I…I...”

Ten sighed and rolled his eyes. “Because you went with your fucking, lying roommate to one of her dialysis treatments?” he guessed.

My eyes flared with shock. “How…?” I shook my head, confused.

He moved in closer. “I made it a point to find out everything about her when she and Ham started bumping uglies on a regular basis. I know what’s going on with her.”

Mouth falling open, I gaped at him, unable to believe he knew. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

With a roll of his eyes, he moved me into a quieter corner to talk with more ease. “She was trying so hard to keep it a secret, I decided to use it as blackmail against her.”

“Wait. What?” I totally didn’t understand.

“The night she found about Noel and Aspen being together, I knew she wouldn’t be able to keep her big, gossiping mouth shut. So, when I saw her sitting alone in her car, waiting on you and Quinn and Caroline, I told her she’d better not go spreading rumors about them, or I’d go telling everyone about her worthless kidneys.”

I just stared at him. “But…you didn’t blackmail me to keep silent about Aspen and Noel,” was all I could think to say.