Both women glanced at me, so I thought up something quick to say. “I can follow you guys in Cora’s car.” And after that, I’d probably help Zoey carry a passed-out Cora up to their apartment.

Cora sent me a big, bright smile. “Sounds great. Let’s go.”

I was silent as Cora took off, easily gliding through the crowds while she dragged Zoey along. From behind, they could’ve been

sisters. Heck, twins. Their hair was the same pale blonde and roughly the same length. Well, Zoey’s was actually up in a ponytail, but it seemed as if it was probably about as long as Cora’s. They had the same build and even the same height, though Cora was in heels, which meant Zoey was probably a little taller, placing her around five ten.

Chattering the whole time, Cora steered us through the maze of people before we reached the exit. I drew in a deep breath, glad to be free of that crammed place. Slipping my phone free of my pocket, I texted Ten.

I’m out. Making sure the girls get home okay. Behave yourself.

I should’ve known he’d have something obnoxious to reply. And he did: Girls? Plural? You are so the man. Give me every detail tomorrow.

With a sigh, I declined to respond. He’d probably only come up with something cruder to say. So I pocketed the phone as we came to a brand new, silver Lexus. Zoey unlocked it with her key fob and made the lights flash in welcome. I slowed to a startled stop.

For some reason, when Cora had talked about her best friend, I’d pictured Zoey Blakeland as a little more I’d been. Everything else about her childhood has seemed so similar to mine; it had made sense for me to think she was just as poor as I’d been. But Cora had come from a well-to-do home, so it also made sense that her friend might too. It just surprised me to discover she drove something so nice.

As Cora climbed into the passenger seat as if she’d already forgotten about me, Zoey paused and sent me a hesitant glance.

I shifted a step back. “I, uh...Cora’s car is just around the corner. I guess I’ll see you guys there.”

Zoey nodded but waited until I’d backed up a couple more paces before she slid into the driver’s seat. I watched, blowing out a long breath. Then I lingered until she’d started the engine and pulled away from the curb before I turned away. My gut roiled uneasily, certain I’d flubbed up my one and only chance to befriend Cora’s new roommate.

As the taillights disappeared around the corner, I finally tracked down Cora’s Maserati, a little red convertible I felt like an ape driving because I could barely fit behind the wheel. She loved to drive fast, and could zip it around town well, but there was no way I could afford to get it fixed if I ever damaged it, so I never drove it as recklessly as she did.

After safely stowing it in the gated parking garage connected to her high-rise apartment building, I pocketed the keys and glanced around for the silver Lexus.

Zoey looked a little frantic when she waved me over. “Uh...”

“She passed out on the way home?” I guessed. When I got a nod for my answer, I smiled. “No problem. I can carry her.”

“Does she do that a lot?” Zoey bit the corner of her lip as she worriedly dogged my heels to the passenger side door. “Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. She does this every time we go out.” I sent Zoey a smile to reassure her before I undid Cora’s seat belt and slid her out into my arms. I was used to the process by now. When her head fell limply on my shoulder, Zoey gaped wide-eyed.

Then she shook her head. “Oh, here. Let me get...” She rushed to shut the door and scurried around me as if to hurry ahead and open the door of the building, but Henry the doorman, beat her to it.

“Evening, Mr. Hamilton. Had another hard night of partying, I see.”

While he shook his head with a fatherly kind of disappointment, I offered him a rueful grin. “Hey, Henry.” I turned sideways to fit Cora’s slumped form through the doorway.

When Zoey followed us in, Henry paused, narrowing his eyes slightly.

I stopped. “This is Zoey Blakeland. She’s Cora’s new roommate.”

“Oh.” Relaxing immediately, Henry’s face softened into a smile. He made a production of taking Zoey’s hand and bowing over it. “It’s a pleasure, Miss Blakeland. You ever need anything, you just ask me, you hear?”

Zoey blushed and nodded before slipping her hand free. “Thank you.”

She followed me to the elevator, where I pushed the button with my shoulder. Once the three of us were closed inside with Cora quietly snoring on my shoulder, Zoey cleared her throat. “Um...which floor?”

I shook my boggled head. Right. I’d forgotten she didn’t know where we were going. “Sorry. Eighth.”

As the floor lifted under us, an uncomfortable silence filled the quiet car. I resituated Cora in my arms because it felt as if she were slipping a little, but that still left me with more time than I liked before we arrived at our destination.

Offering Zoey an overly bright smile, I said, “I can help you carry some boxes in tonight if you need.”

Her eyes went wide as if I’d suggested something scandalous before she shook her head adamantly. “Oh, no. That’s okay. I’ll just...I’m going to wait until tomorrow.”