“But I had to leave. I had to come here,” I started. My lips began to form Cora’s name as I was on the brink of telling him how much she needed me. But then I remembered; I couldn’t tell him that part. An ache formed in my chest. I hated keeping anything from him.

He nodded anyway, as if he understood everything. “Of course you did. He didn’t treat you like a daughter. You were his slave. No one should live like that.”

I licked my lips nervously. If Cora had never told me about her sickness, I never would’ve broken free. I probably would’ve remained my father’s slave for the rest of my life.

“What do you think he’ll do if he finds you?”

“Oh, he will,” I said with total reassurance. “There’s really no if about it. Eventually, he’ll come. It’s just a matter of time.”

Quinn let out a harsh breath as if he were trying to brace himself for the inevitable. “What’re you going to do when he does?”

I shivered; I couldn’t stop myself. Quinn tightened his arms around me protectively. When I leaned my face against his shoulder, he kissed my hair.

“I don’t know.” And that was the honest truth. “Legally, he can’t force me to go back with him. I’m an adult, and the money is mine; I inherited it from my mother after she died. He can’t touch it. I just…” I squeezed my eyes closed. “I hope I have the willpower to tell him no if he tries to intimidate me into returning with him.”

“You will,” Quinn assured me. He leaned in to kiss me, and we didn’t just share lips then, we shared souls. “You’re strong. And besides, I’ll be right there with you, standing by your side and holding your hand when you do it. If he tries to touch you, I’ll—”

“Quinn,” I rasped in reprimand. I didn’t want to hear him say what he’d do to my father. He wasn’t violent, and instinctively I knew he hated violence; it made him think of his mother, as if maybe he might become her. I didn’t want him to go through that.

He nodded, remaining quiet, but the lethal intent remained in his gaze. “He’ll never hurt you again. I promise it.”

I nodded, and it was my turn to kiss him. His mouth latched onto mine eagerly.

Our lips stayed connected as we kissed deep into the night, chasing away all the haunting memories of our past and filling them with something light and beautiful and precious. I realized then that no matter what happened, I’d always have this—memories of him—to keep me warm for the rest of my life.

Everything was different with Zoey.

I’d always been so unsure around Cora, nervous about finally having my first girlfriend and worried I’d do something wrong. I’d wanted to impress her and get her to like me so much I hadn’t bothered with trying to figure out whether I really liked her in return.

With Zoey, we just...clicked. I knew I liked her. I never worried about needing to impress her because I had this sense I already did without really trying. I was usually too concerned about when I’d get to see her again to worry about that, anyway. I just wanted to be with her constantly. The urge to always find my way close to her was like an itch just under the skin that could never be relieved until she was back with me.

Even though I’d ordered Ten not to compare her with Cora, I did in my head, too. A lot. She always came out the victor. In looks, temperament, compatibility, likeability, even in the bedroom. When it came to sex…wow, there was no contest at all. Zoey lit up in my arms like a wildfire every time I touched her. Her eagerness for me was genuine, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

With Cora, I’d been clueless, and she’d been the one with all the experience. When we’d dated, I didn’t think I had a problem with that. She taught me what she liked, and I was willing and ready to learn everything I could to please her. But she’d always led. I didn’t think I had a problem with that, either.

Until Zoey.

Now, I was the teacher. And I was the one giving her her first experience with every new thing we did. There was something so hot and bonding about that, about knowing I was the only man who’d ever touched her there, or kissed her here. I wanted all her firsts, and I craved each one I took.

I felt closer to her because I knew every detail about her sexual past. That was probably wrong of me, but I still liked it. And I didn’t just know all her secrets; I was her secret. It made me trust her implicitly. I told myself I should have some reservations. After the way Cora had lied and betrayed me and so absolutely hoodwinked me, I should’ve been wizened and hardened to the next girl who came along. But Zoey was so sweet and innocent I couldn’t summon an iota of doubt over anything she said to me.

Six days after we started our secret relationship—secret because we didn’t want Cora finding out and making a big deal about it—I went to school anxious and jittery. The last time I’d gotten a chance to see Zoey was yesterday morning in Art Appreciation. I’d had to work last night and I had to again tonight, which meant I wouldn’t get to see her again until tomorrow, Wednesday morning

I walked to my next class, unable to concentrate on school or think about practice I would be attending later in the afternoon. Coach was finally going to officially label me as a second-string quarterback. I’d been working for this spot for a year now. I should be excited that today was finally the day. Instead, I was tempted to pull out my cell phone and fire off a text to Zoey, even though I’d had a ten-minute conversation with her earlier when I called to say good morning.

This constant craving for her was driving me nuts.

But even as my hand went to my back pocket while I strolled along the sidewalk, I spotted her up ahead, walking with Cora in my direction. Neither of them noticed my approach. Soon they would, though. It was inevitable; I was going to walk right by them. I frowned slightly, wondering why they looked so buddy, buddy. I didn’t get a sense from Zoey that she and Cora were even remotely friendly any more.

But then I heard Cora saying, “You won’t forget, right? This Saturday? It can’t be rescheduled,” and I figured it had to be something about their apartment.

“I won’t forget.” Zoey sounded a little irritated by the reminder.

She was the first to see me. My insides fired to life, and great...I instantly went hard. Remembering every single thing we’d done together, I stared at her a little too intently, and way too obviously. She began to look away, but did a double take before her eyes widened.

I couldn’t help it. I smiled. When she blushed, I mouthed the word, “Library,” without really thinking what I was doing. I was that desperate for her.

She darted a quick look at Cora, who was checking something on her phone and didn’t notice me for another half a second.